Can we PLEASE be done with the upgrade system?

blizzard i have a question for you regarding the upgrade system that has been a total hassle ever since you introduced it can we PLEASE call an end to it?

i myself am a raider at endgame and im old enough to remember when raids didnt have “seasons” they were tiered and the gear you got was the gear you got

i remember you saying that you wanted to make the game less like a second job requiring almost entire days to progress and yet here we are grinding for valourstones and crests of various tiers because the gear you get at endgame is deliberately crippled.

i know fully well why you went in this direction because allowing M+ runners to upgrade their gear means eventually it was outperforming raid gear but this is a problem created by you and the fix was to make things an endless grind

please tell me exactly why gear that drops from RAIDS cant just drop as its final form? and make M+ just not be useful in raiding you already have a precedent for this in the form of PVP gear which only benefits players in PVP?

im sure im not alone in this mentality because all of the endgame activities raiding, pvp, M+ etc have less crossover than you think there are more players that dedicate themselves to a single thing than trying a bit of everything and the rewards from these different types of content SHOULD be different too

at present the grind for upgrade materials is insulting to players time we are either forced to run dungeons all day, run delves all day or hunt the rares and treasures (99% of those award a SINGLE valourstone)

the dungeons and delves do NOT award a quantity of valourstones equivelent to time and effort we put into these things especially as the upgrades get higher and more and more are needed

so PLEASE just go back to how things used to be where raids has SET gear not the larval form of what it could become after LITERAL DAYS of grinding


You aren’t “forced” to do anything.

Do you clear mythic or high keys? If not, just do what you want to do and if you press your buttons right then your gear will be more than sufficient for what you need to do.

You are master of your own time, its Blizz’s job to present options, yours to manage.

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You had me until you said m+ gear shouldnt be good for raids,f that noise.
Get over yourself, the world doesnt revolve around raid or die monkeys.
Gearing taking time is fine,the only one forcing you to rush is you,noone else.

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id have no problem with M+ gear being used for raids if blizz hadnt made it outperform raid gear because it could be upgraded so high this is entirely a problem they made when they introduced M+

I only wish that I could upgrade my pvp gear with honor again.

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