Can we please have Ice Form off the GCD

When all offensive CDs got taken off the GCD Ice Form was apparently forgotten. We lose too much momentum wasting 1.5 sec after pressing this, which makes an already situational spell borderline unusable.

Please Blizz … Easy change


Not into PvP, but since Icy Veins is off the GCD its only natural that Ice Form should be off GCD as well.

Ice Form talent replaces Icy Veins anyway.


I think Ice Form is a utility spell that prevents stuns more than actual dps increase so maybe that’s why it’s on GCD

9.0.5 off GCD.


Very nice, it will make frost much stronger in pvp, I think. Its a lot of dmg from frostbolt on freezed target, if you shoot fbolt+lanse it will both have freezing effect. With that change you can use that skill in real game and make very strong pressing with it on very low cd.

yeah, 30% dmg, thats basically nothing D:

Ice Form is not a burst cooldown but a tool.

Kind of an irrelevant point now that Blizzard has given us what I asked for…


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