Can we please have non-binary gender option?

Is this too much to ask? it will have 0 impact on gameplay , but will definitely make it a better experience for people like me. 
As a non-binary person, i would have a better connection with my character if i can create as non-binary and i will enjoy the game more.
 Please blizzard , its a very small detail for a multi-billion company to add , but its a huge thing to have for us! 

 Best regards,

That is far too difficult to do for the current interface.

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Amazing…. Damn!

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I don’t know much about the technical aspect , but I believe for a company like Blizzard, it should not be that hard to do.

I humbly agree my good sir.

What are you asking for exactly?

I’m non-binary, but “non-binary” is such a massive umbrella term you’re going to have to be specific.

Do you want pronoun options for NPCs? Are you after androgynous character models? You’re going to have to be more specific, especially when a LOT of non-binary people choose to continue to look like the gender they were born as.

If you want more androgyny on character models, I think you’re going to be let down.


This should be completely doable as long the willingness is there. And given the gamer’s reactions to homosexuality and trans issues in the game, I do not see it likely that this will happen anytime soon unless they implement it per server region. We are unfortunately still in 1950 according to the attitudes of conservative players.


A what???



As i said i dont know much about the technical part of this change, i would say as first step if we just have male/female and non-binary as option would be a good start, later we can add all lgbtq+.

Can someone explain to me what “non-binary” means?


Unfortunately, but its changing rapidly!

I just say since biologically possible are only 2 options so clearly it’s a state of mind.


This guy is trolling.
Why else do you think he is posting on an classic alt? He is saying that he wants to broadcast that he is non-binary so he should not be scared of making a post on his main to say that he is non-binary but he is still posting on a classic alt… because he is trolling.


Its an umbrella term for gender identities which are neither male or female, identities outside the gender binary.


Well, sure go for it, but I do not understand what exactly you are asking from blizzard.

WoW has strict aesthetics and very restrictive models, so anything deviating from the norm is kinda out of the picture (think fat males/females, skinny men, muscular women, specific body types).

On the other hand, the options from clothing and the freedom you have in game (especially in RP realms), makes it so that you kind of already have that option. Since you only choose the outward appearance of your character (not even its genitals), you can “choose” his backstory/information/sexuality without restrictions.

So yeah, in a way, you already have that option in game (as much as any other group of people seeking representation).


Im not, i just dont wanna be lynched by the likes of you, so i have to hide behind an alt. Your comment exactly proved my point.


What did I just read


He is indeed trolling!


I don’t know what you are talking about. You are asking for the ability to make your gender non-binary which means other players will be able to see that you are a non-binary character so why would you care about announcing it on the forum? Also, your response is clearly further proof that you are trolling and you’re just trying hard to bait people.
I have seen a ton of garbage in this game. I have seen people do their utmost to harass others on WoW involving their social media and more and I have never ever seen someone go out of their way to harass someone “non-binary”. Nobody cares about that whatsoever. It is true that WoW has issues with toxicity but it does not involve people’s gender identity whatsoever.


By this logic i should post my facebook and instagram here too then? I have no intention to argue with you , i hope you have a good day , just because you have seen alot of garbage or toxicity here, please dont think everyone is the same.

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