Can we please have non-binary gender option?

Read the rest of the post. I still havent gendered you. “There is also a big difference in misgendering you and assuming your gender in my head but not saying anything”. I havent gendered you and most certainly not intentionally misgendered you.

Another strawman argument. Everyone knows that i mean a forum mod with that. It doesnt change what was written based on that. The GM is simply put more commonly used compared to the term forum mod.

Be very careful with that. But thats it. This is now going further than harassment.

Youre not the only person i respond to. Blame the forum by notifying me whenever you reply to me.

1: You keep saying i misgendered you despite this not happening

2: You keep saying i intentionally misgendered you despite this being impossible.

3: You now ALSO said i posted transphobic comments.

This is slander at this point.

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