Can we please have non-binary gender option?

Ye thats what ive done. Never again. Just wanted to know if its true. It was.

I’ve linked two articles actually, which further explain and disprove your little notions.

Which you can only choose from two out of many choices, yes. So, what’s the next logical step? More sexes, more genders to choose from. Not just cis-male and female.

Not really. If that were true they wouldn’t have added more skin colors in the first place.

Yes, I have. But keep digging.

Yes you did.

You’ve been the one talking about how I feel among other things, so maybe don’t do it if you don’t want me to do it to you? So yep, harassment
 But that’s okay, maybe ticket will work in time.

It does.

You have displayed such behavior, actually. By your own logic, what other people are feeling is entirely up to what the responding poster decides.

Otherwise, again you’re bad faith posting at me and trolling me (As I mentioned before.)

Which doesn’t matter, because I’m not non-binary. This thread is about non-binary options, and I linked them an article for them to understand what non-binary is which one would be able to know the answer to.

Doesn’t matter what you do, you’re rude to me and bad faith posting.

This is what I was trying to say to @SerenĂ„. This is why I don’t think they should add nonbinary and gay and transgender and stuff like that to WoW’s character creation. It doesn’t really make sense.

Your character only has a sex, not a gender. A gender requires an identity, and that identity is what you supply as the player.

EDIT: Cropped it a little. It isn’t about the article or Pick.

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I said the following.

So no, i have still not gendered you. And especially not intentionally misgendered you. The latter being de facto impossible. There is also a big difference in misgendering you and assuming your gender in my head but not saying anything. And it wasnt even part of my brain work until you even brought it up in the first place.

I have said it once yes. And you said it wasnt the case. After which i have not brought it up again since you denied this. Something you still dont do as you keep saying i intentionally misgendered you despite it not being possible in the first place. So no, what i do is not harassment. And the ticket if the GM does anything he would bann us both since this count for derailing the topic. Something you did before i even joined the conversation. I wont get banned for harassment as it didnt occur.

You are however harassing me by saying that i misgendered you despite me telling you more than just a couple times that i didnt do it. Thats insinuation.

It doesnt. The scientific facts would remain the same. Something like that wouldnt alter it.

First, you provided me the same article twice. Where do you get more sexes from? There are no more sexes and you don’t chose them, you are classified as a sex - male or female by the doctors, at birth. You chose how you identify yourself, the thing called a gender or sexual orientation, but you don’t chose your sex. It’s clearly not the next logical step to invent more sexes that have no biological function and serve no purpose as a classification. If you have XXY chromosomes you aren’t a new sex, you are an unfortunate mutation of human body that comes often with many health condition and the best part is that this doesn’t rly affect your gender.

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Hol’ up. I called Pickpawkit he and he? complained about that. So I charged it to she? and now it’s also being complained about.

If this is because it’s xir and zie and ey and fae and all this other garbage then NO. I am not doing that. It’s too friggin’ awkward to pronounce, I can’t remember it, and I don’t care. >:[ The pronouns are a part of language to avoid having to think about a completely unique name for a person, and these pronouns are going to be completely unique to one person IRL based on what they are.

They also haven’t found their way into Danish, which is my language, which makes them even more awkward. Gahh.

 I am rude to you, by choosing to not be rude by finishing our conversation by choice. DO correct me here if I’m wrong but would I not be rude by actively talking with more than just you? At the same time I mean.

Sure it does. Cause the question was asked to you directly, ergo it matters. If you wish to avoid answering the question with your own words then just saying so is O.K. There is literally nothing wrong with that.

Now, there seem to be some sort of a misunderstanding between you and the other person who you linked the articles to. That misunderstanding is none of my business but he did ask you. Again though, if you don’t want to answer that in your own words just say so. It’s completely alright and personally I won’t think less of you if you go that route.

Then I’m going to have to ask you(And I have given you the same option here so don’t try and use that against me) to specifically quote which made me come off in that manner.

Yes you did, you said ‘assume it’s female’ when I’ve already stated assume gender neutral when you don’t know.

it is possible, you and Ish have done it multiple times despite being corrected.

This isn’t in game, so you show your further lack of knowledge in regards to Blizzard stuff. GMs don’t action forum stuff, only forum mod team.

Yes actually you have, ongoing targetting of me specifically every post, inserting yourself into posts not about you to harass me further and more.

I am not harassaing you but you are me, since you keep misgendering me, targetting me, and harassing me after I told you to stop.

It does, for your bad faith posting.

From an article I linked, feel free to scroll up and look.

False assumption of only 2 sex’s.

Not sure what you mean by ‘invent’ as everything we have is invented at one point.

Glad you show your true colors on what you think to call anything not deemed ‘male or female’ by you IE anything non-binary or transgender. :\

Of course, more of the same.

Alright, according to my research, not even 0.1% of the whole population on this planet is “non-binary”.
Why the hell would Blizzard give such an insane minority their own gender?

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Which stems back to one of my first point early in this conversation, mainly why Deathwing should care that you are gay? I do not mention my sexual orientation to anybody, nor I would care for being mislabeled.

Pickpawkit is just trying to get ones point accross with everythings possible to achieve “victory”. Something i have done too in the past and still do but im fully aware of it happening after giving it some insight and accepting that i have done so.

No idea what it is about. I practice the PoV of “call me whatever the beep you want. It wont magically change what you wrote just because you may have misgendered me” anyway. Difference is if it was pointed out what gender is accurate and the person chose to ignore it.

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You’re rude no matter how you try to justify it.

and I already answered.

Every single one of your posts.

The OP’s choice to post on an alt is justified by the fact that the original post is now hidden because so many people have reported it. Despite what the devs have tried to create in WoW, there is still a high level of toxicity among the players towards people who don’t conform to what society tells them they must be.

Personally, I would like to see the male and female character models done away with altogether, and replaced with a single character model that you can customise in a myriad of ways (including body shape) to suit your preferences in the characters you create. Since that isn’t going to happen, the next best is to develop the character options and clothing so that male and female models can be made to appear androgynous. As it stands, they are distinctly masculine and feminine and not male and female, which are far less defined in real world species (including humans) than the models we are offered in WoW.

I don’t want to get into an argument about gender vs biological sex in the real world. I do have opinions about it, but I’m not going to argue them here. I do think, however, that allowing people to express their identities easily in game would cost nothing and would make a (likely) large minority of the player base very happy.

game is not made to mimic everything bout real life, any effort that would go into this would be wasted effort and would not improve on the game in any way, while there are many things that need improving

First they should add customisation options for gnomes, mechagnomes, trolls, worgen, goblins, nightborne, void elves, highmountain, lightforged draenei

then they should fix the game that is leaking players/subs by the minute

and only then they should bother with ideological crusades such as these

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Your sex is assigned you by the doctor on your birth certificate, as a classification based on your bodyparts. Gender and sex aren’t the same thing, just like your licence plate and engine number aren’t. Stop trying to pull my leg. There is no reason to invent more genders for classification purposes, except ostracizing somebody. Those things are done for legislative and medical purposes. I’m starting to think if i will start using medical terms here I’m gonna get flagged.

No. Forcing completely made up language into my mouth is where I draw the line. I speak English, Danish, and Chinese, not whatever you want me to speak. And that’s the end of that.

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Read the rest of the post. I still havent gendered you. “There is also a big difference in misgendering you and assuming your gender in my head but not saying anything”. I havent gendered you and most certainly not intentionally misgendered you.

Another strawman argument. Everyone knows that i mean a forum mod with that. It doesnt change what was written based on that. The GM is simply put more commonly used compared to the term forum mod.

Be very careful with that. But thats it. This is now going further than harassment.

Youre not the only person i respond to. Blame the forum by notifying me whenever you reply to me.

1: You keep saying i misgendered you despite this not happening

2: You keep saying i intentionally misgendered you despite this being impossible.

3: You now ALSO said i posted transphobic comments.

This is slander at this point.

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Non-binary and trans people make less than 1% of the population and for most of them its just a phase on top of it and accept their real gender they were born with later on. There is a reason why no MMO adds such options.
First, its an insane small minority and second these games would be banned in certain countries, especially in the more religious ones.
Having Trans or non-binary characters would not even work out business-wise.

It is known USA is anti-science and in the past decade they have only proven so.