Can we please have non-binary gender option?

Yep fully agree.

Wrong. Your article is specifically stating there are 2 biological sexes and makes a clear difference between biological sexes and genders there. This is the general consensus of scientists right now whether you like it or not. So debate it with them.

And another report i suppose since you dont stop with the libel. Also the irony is marvelous considering a quick search of yours would have told you that mate has become a gender neutral term since a longer while. Same applies to dude in fact. Also you have now proven that you have no idea how languages work given your phrase “both come from” not understanding that terms and languages changes over time. Try again.


“Guys” as well. Ive referered to a group soley made of women before as guys and no one blinked.

There is certainly an irony to people complaining about things like this being sexist, and gendered language, when in fact the language has evolved to the point where it is fully inclusive and gender neutral


I don’t think we should change the meaning of words because someone has a Mental Disorder.

This unreasonable cost Society has to incur to accommodate the individual is just ridiculous.

Identity is not a choice, your gender is a part of your identity, just like the colour of your skin is.

Society tells us that 1+1=2, and we all just went along with it when the answer could be 11!?

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You cant handle the truth.

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Isn’t the option while choosing a character SEX and not GENDER? Those are two different words. One means what you have between your legs and there are actually only two options and the second one is social characteristic. If you confuse these two you are clearly a troll who doesn’t have elementary knowledge of the subject.

If not…

…Could we please have sex option instead of gender option ingame and finish this overly politically correct stuff where everyone is scared of their opinion being labeled as ultra-left or ultra-right while they are none of them? Then if you look between the legs of your character and spot excessive meat it’s male, if not it’s female. And then you can add your social feelings into your ingame fantasy via roleplaying.


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