Can we please have non-binary gender option?

Which, the OP has responded and you were crying about me ‘not’ responding to someone about what non-binary people would want in which I did. So nah. Btw, words typed on a screen do not make noise. In case you were unaware, and you love to take things literally. :3

But hey, keep trying to levy harassment towards me.

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no more likely they want stuff not to be shoved at their face non-stop, just like you do not want


Heteronormative views are shoved in everyones faces constantly, more than any LGBTQ+ stuff that’s for sure. So try again.

To you it seems so, to me LBTG stuff is blasted nonstop, its weird how we see things differently depending how they we decide to view them, isnt it?

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Then I guess to you LGBTQ+ is blasted everywhere but stats prove that heteronormative views are everywhere and blasted consistently so maybe you should align yourself with reality? :3

Like I said, you see things as you see, you latch onto stuff you want to, if you just focus on one thing ofcourse you will see just one thing.
Also tone down with the aggression, have a chill pill and take a ice cold drink, we are all in this together and trying to make the divide larger does not make ones lives better


I can guess how that could be abused and it scares me.

You’re not choosing your gender at character creation, you’re choosing your sex.
Your gender is whatever you want it to be.


Uhh. Not sure how to break this to you, but being a lesbian doesn’t stop you being a transphobe, same way as being gay doesn’t stop you being a transphobe, or neither stops you being a racist. They’re different things!

Because most people don’t play WoW as it is meant to be, an MMORPG, but instead just do it for the Raiding, the PvP and the Lolz

I’m curious as to what you think that phrase means.

Because I have looked up ‘Cultural Marxism’ as a term used by those who employ it in a derogatory turn of phrase, and it reads like Charles Manson’s playbook.

Seriously like…not a good phrase. Makes a person sound like a White supremacist who believes not only in the inevitability of a Cultural War, but it’s -Desirability-!

Which is mental!

Also, Dude is a male derived term, ‘mate’ however is not. Its an Assexual term.

Phobia police here! I’m gonna have to ask you to not use the terms “Phobia” and “Phobic” in such a manner. Being hateful has nothing to do with an irrational unexplainable fear of something.


Well with this logic we should be discussing about a video game at all, humanity has much more serious problems.

I know this is popular topic on social media but please try to tolerate that not every game has to have all 76 gender options just because you want it.

The roleplay addon allows you to express your inner self in very creative ways, without burdening developers with more tasks.

As a Nightborne monk I really wanted to have more nightborne options in shadowlands. Did I got it? nope. It surely made me sad it’s not what I wanted but I’ll survive without it.


It doesn’t hurt to let such people believe they are right and ofc me , you and all the people in this thread are wrong, oh come one you didn’t realise yet ? Let the smurf believe what it want :rofl:

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Really happy for your friends, my best friend in highschool however was beaten up and persecuted for being gay when people found out. My eldest child was mercilessy bullied for being gay. Recently (like within the last week) someone was severely assaulted in Spain for being gay, three people have been arrested for it.

A few years back a number of people were shot and killed in a mass shooting in a nightclub in America just for being gay/being in a gay nightclub.

There is plenty more examples.

Oh my god… That is horrible.

You have absolutely no idea how i live my life and who i am, so just sush. My whole point was, im against extreme nutjobs, no matter of what side they are, left, right, lgbtq, religion… im seriously against people shouting from their roofs how their opinion should be counted, when at same time, they dont count in others opinion, for example like you! i bet you have pronouns in your twitter bio, and maybe even quarter of million tweets yelling in to the twitter void.


I mean you literally labeled multiple people that were just LGBTQ+ as ‘extreme nutjobs’ without much reason. You did that against XylariaVG and mocked them about that.

You also said “specifically people that act so holy and just and think they know best, and take on them selfs the right to command how others should act and what is acceptable.” But hey you did that in regards to Xyl and Adam. You even mentioned that they shouldn’t have ‘poked the hornets nest’.

Which, is akin to what you’re doing in the first place which just shows exactly how much you tell the truth(Not a lot). You talked about “Well I only watched Asmon for like 30 min…” but then went on to say “I agree with a lot of his views on game” but you seem to follow that outside too.

and of course you’re doing this, so yeah. Another person that’s just so scared of pronouns and the LGBTQ+ community that claims it’s not.

If its not a big deal, why it bothers people that we have it? What kind of effect that would have on peoples game experience? You make a male belf dh, id make a non-binary dh. Why it is such a big deal? Im not saying that you are indicating its a big deal but in general, i dont understand why some people heavily against it.

False on both accounts, because Xylaria is she/her or they/them so again - you’re one of those people that misgenders people on purpose just as I thought and two they did NOT call for the griefing of another player as I’ve already proven multiple times before.

Their tweet (Which was the SECOND tweet of theirs btw) says that Asmons hatred and toxicity isn’t welcome in FFXIV and to report every INCIDENT of it. IE report it every time he does something that would be considered hateful or toxic. WHICH was said after their tweet mentioning how some Asmon fans had sent them death threats. But, since you’re not someone from the LGBTQ+ community you wouldn’t know much about how we try to protect our community from people that are hateful towards it and promote harassment like Asmon does.

So yeah, Adams whole message of “Oh yeah that dudes a butt” is VERY correct.

Plus oh look, you make fun of their bio, you use an ableist slur in your own post! What a shocker I continue to be right about you people that end up defending him.

This is a video game Just please stop with all these gender thing