Can we please remove "No Escape" from PVP?

Honestly Disc Priest being a 70% physical slow on Entropic Rift is absolutely insanely OP.

This needs to be nerfed to 30% slow in PVP and should be magic.

Healers should not have 70% slows

also Disc Priest need a minimum of 20-30% damage nerf in PVP as they currently keeping up with DPS in 2v2 and 3v3


exactly disc priest is up with dps in 3v3 lol they do 1million dps

It isn’t physical. Just because you can’t dispel it doesn’t mean it is physical.

That is… completely irrelevant. Not saying you’re wrong but correcting something so minuscule doesn’t add anything to the topic at hand.
That slow is completely over the top and it should either be nerfed or removed completely. Given how fast that void travels even if you port it it should never have such a slow build in it.


The reason I point this out is because there are many spells that provide some degree of protection against magic effects.

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Ok, fair enough.

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Well i think you need to go on wow head and look at the spell… clearly stats on that and in game

|Dispel type|n/a|
|GCD category|n/a|
Effect Apply Aura: Dummy
Value: 70
PVP Multiplier: 1
Server-side script

so don’t point out something that you are in-correct about

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Isn’t it

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You’re being stupid. The person below you linked the spell and it is clearly written shadow.

Tell me, were you lying on purpose, unable to read a simple wen page, or unable to find the correct spell ? It has to be one of the three, and yet you still decided to press the enter key.


5/7 stupidity

Also, you can test things in game if you ever doubt before being annoying and wrong on a place of public discussion. Does Cloak remove it ? Yes. So it isn’t physical. Does BoP prevent it ? No. So it is not physical. And so on and so forth.

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