Can we remove Shadowmeld, Shadowy Duel, Glimpse and Sniper Shot?

I truly believe these 4 abilities make PVP 10x worse

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I think tacial should be changed to make players less depending on them for certain types of gameplay. Some races have like a mailbox or a bank which i think is a racial that can stay. Hopefully one day they change all racial to be more of a useful extra, rather than a deciding factor.

I believe sniper shot is gone in TWW.

There’s a simple solution to please players who enjoy the “flavour” of racial abilities, and players who are irritated by their impact on competitive play:
Disable them in ranked PvP content only.

This guy, 90% of normies who don’t engage in arena will still be able to enjoy those racial abilities, but they won’t feel mandatory for us.

we can but blizzard refuses for some reason they dont like feedback