Can we reset the pvp modifiers on all abilities with every expansion release?

And tune them after the release.

It’s pretty upsetting that some of my abilities are nerfed by x amount in PvP because they were OP in season 1 BFA and nobody ever bothered to unnerf them.

The game does not even have PvP tooltips, you have to test everything by going to a PvP instance, and over the expansions nearly all the spells have accumulated PvP modifiers. How is a new player even supposed to make their own spec without being misled.

Those modifiers should only last for the duration of an expansion and be tuned depending on the state of the gameplay during that expansion and then be reset.


Good point. The fact some nerfs from previous expansions are still applied is a joke. If R Druid mastery gets unnerfed then R Druid is on H Pala and D Priest level.

Evry healer shoud have equal chance to compete… Right now if you are not one of those god tier healers, game for you feels 3 versus 4.

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