Just like the alliance gained alot of priests and shamans .
well yes, but as a Player whos not played alliance realistically im not aware of these things… i just know horde felt like it started gettign more popular in TBC, I dont have pin point dates of When Horde overtook alliance in popularity… nor When it got as bad as it is now.
today seems to be Considered atleast from people i talk to that its Roughly 1 Alliance PuG to hordes 3.
Because factions were DoA. Seriously even in wows peak there were significant faction imbalance across most of the servers. On some of the pvp servers it wasn’t even feasable to play a faction since it went something like 95/5. All we are seeing now is the exactly the same thing but on a larger scale.
The only reasonable response would be to remove the faction divide as a gameplay element, since no amount of balance with fix it.
Well shock horror i play both but the numbers shifted in WoD alot .
U’ll never horde alliance 100% Fair and balanced no . but im pretty certain blizzard could have done something to stop the balance being this Wild.
Dark iron Dwarf does tempt me to give Faction swapping a go though xD i quit in WoD within the first month into that expansion tbh
As i have said, it has always been this wild.
Balanced servers/factions are not the norm.
balanced servers no, but Cross Realm Play fixs that.
im talking numbers Overall. its fine for Draenor to be 200k Horde, 500 Alliance… if SIlvermoon is 200k Alliance 500 Horde to match for example.
I dont think we’ll see Faction removal before a New Dev team take over WoW in all honesty, Ion seems stubbornly against the concept of removing factions.
Which is depressingly frustrating seeing how warcraft have ended the orcs vs humans conflict like 5 times by now… And each time they bring it back it just gets worse.
While simultaneously bombarding us with encounters where the race of the characters simply does not matter.
4 covenants in Shadowlands. 4 factions at war. Welcome to the new faction wars. Where you choose your new faction regardless of race. The Horde is disbanded and the Alliance too, not like Horde has a warchief no mo. Blizzard has a potential for a fix coming just dono if they’d implement it
i think the game should atleast have a Faction Betrayal option.
Allow Players to betray the alliance to become horde for example, its a RPG afterall, Players should have these sorts of choices.
Will just end up with the same issue again where one faction is for high end content and the other is “whatever”.
Not really, since u can play any race with any racial for whatever faction. The covenant abilities themselves won’t be game changers, since each class has a different covenant ability
No it hasnt please stop hyperbole.
At one point it was All 52 Horde 48 on EU servers .
And nobody knows the correct number since API change and blizzard stop giving numbers .
Posters like you are so ill informed .
nope,. but it’ll remove the “Racial/Aesthetic Bias” freom the game.
if u can play Any race any faction it becomes Wildly irrelevent
it also Actively lets people swap Factions without Paying Or Rerolling through the game itself. which Actually would create a Easier path for players who do wanna play alliance to be alliance.
Factions have been irrelevant since WC3.
Well i’d disagree there. BFA Reguardless if poorly portrayed, or Lacking quality. was Faction Relevent in its introduction…
you can hate the lore… say its bad… Doesnt make sense, or Dodgey at best.
but realistically the factions are still relevent.
pretty sure we created Hell in Pandaria, Fighting one another over the land also
Removal of the two main factions isn’t sensible. Freeing the players from them on the other hand, that’d work. The player character has worked with people of all factions, races and sides in every expansion since the game launched after all.
And those we have worked with often shows little regard to what race they cooperate with. Especially in regards to the order halls.
You could have simply leveled a new character though.
I dont mean as in Paying to transfer this char.
I mean as in Rerolling a New toon and going alliance for SL… im not paying £30 odd when it currently takes less then a week to relevel a char during dead Content xD.
Espically as i’d also have to server transfer this char, as i couldnt really be a Alliance player on Draenor very successfully