Can we stop this madness?

Imho they should just let alliance and horde PuG together in PvE Content, which realistically matchs to what the Important NPCS do, join together to take down the threats.

I wouldnt say letting horde/Alliance guild together etc etc being as Much of a good idea though

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Depending what ali server you go i can help you with gold and bags.

no idea on what servers are decent for alliance these days

Alot say silvermoon is Super popular, but i hear its Also very overpopulated and not stable around Peak times such as Expansion releases etc etc xD.

Sylvanas is third or fourth Alliance server which is funny.

I take it you didnt play MoP or the faction friction during Legion then ? Or the whole war during BFA do you even play the game ?


The reason top PvE alliance guilds might consider Horde probably has more to do with the fact that the total pool of players available to do mythic raiding is much, much larger on horde. So they have an easier time recruiting for their guilds. I don’t think the “normal” mythic raiding guilds care about miniscule percentile min-maxing. Racials probably has very little to do with it today, even if it was a reason for the top guilds to go horde back in the day.

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Like how it ended being just a story used to kill of the last remaining parts of the Old Horde leaving Tralls Horde intact.

Forced friction because apparently the factions suddenly couldn’t communicate. Otherwise it was just Sylvanas and Genn going at it solo.

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Because racials aren’t the issue.

Clear your misinformation up.

Stop spreading more misinformation.

Like G’huun Mythic and Gnomes? Opulence and Dark Iron Dwarves? Conclave and Dwarves / Dark Iron Dwarves?

There’s been literally a raid changes the racials to the opposite faction. LITERALLY.

Racials are not the issue.

What’s up with all those misinformed people still believing that myth? Have you even seen Dark Iron Dwarves, Nightelves Or Kul Tiran Humans? KT is one of the strongest racials ever implemented in the game.

Stop spreading lies and inform yourself before spewing up fake facts about how horde racials are op and alliance racials aren’t. Horde racials WERE overpowered. They’re not anymore. They haven’t been since the umpteenth Berserking nerf.


Because muh faction change money. We couldn’t find a tank in 30 minutes tonight for mythic+ at 2 am server time on Alliance side, I saw 5 horde groups went in to the same dungeon whilst waiting near summoning stone.

“nİgHt eLf rAcİaL iS oP fOr MyThiC, tHeY cAn hIdE”

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This kind of actually happened in WoD.

Horde racials were nerfed and all the pvpers went Alliance. It wasn’t just the top 1% either. All the top arena teams were Alliance but also the Alliance win rate in random BGs went through the roof, meaning tons of average players switched too.

There used to be a site that tracked winrates in BGs, don’t think it’s up anymore, but you could literally see on the graph from the time of the Horde nerf to the patch that changed racials again there was a huge change in winrates and then it reverted back. If you don’t take that as evidence of racials making a difference to what side people play on then I don’t think anything would convince you.

For people who say ‘it only matters to the 1%ers’.

Sure the top players might be the ones who care the most about small advantages but that also filters through to a lot of ‘normal’ players. Just look at MDI meta teams and how people favour certain classes/specs for pugging m+ for example. Or how certain classes/specs at different times become known as ‘not viable’ and rarely get invited to things even though they could still perform good enough to do the content.

The problem is with all group content you need other people to play with and one faction will probably always have more people doing that content than the other. It’s a snowball effect as more and more people switch over. The major factor in starting the trend has in the past been the advantage certain racials on one faction offer compared to the other.

And for all those ‘horde pride’ people who come up with stuff like ‘maybe alliance just needs to get good lolz’. Well you do realise that people switch factions, and you’re probably playing with people who used to play the other faction. And if a minor tweek gave Method or anyone else at the top an advantage they would ditch the Horde the next day. Your ‘horde is da best’ nonsense doesn’t matter one bit.

People also started to play Orc instead of Human in PvP, they butchered EMFH racial too.


Yes, all high end players are retarded but you are genius and you could somehow figure this out.

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Exactly this. When faction differences/war is suspended, i.e. when facing the forces of N’zoth (including N’zoth himself)… It doesn’t make sense from a plot perspective to demand that an entire raid has to consist of either Alliance OR Horde players. Logic dictates that they would combine forces to defeat common evils that threaten everyone, and it should not matter if the Resto Shaman happens to be a Troll.

Implementing a gameplay mechanic like that would also make storytelling more interesting. You can then have entire expansions centred around factions (e.g. the start of BfA until the initial plot went on vacation never to be seen again in 8.1) and expansions solely dedicated to beating on big bad evils (which is what N’zoth/Azshara deserved).

I wonder if we will ever get cross faction PvE to address the smaller pool in one of the 2 factions.

Thank you !
Go watch MDI ,and find me one Horde composition mr.High end player.


I don’t watch MDI it is boring, the only fun part is when they wipe.

As I’ve told here many times, those teams practice Shadowmeld skips 10 times a day in contrary to pug groups, they have synergy and they are full Night Elf teams. Go and try to make a full night elf group and see how much time it will take. Even if you find them they won’t be able to make proper skips and fail to drop combat. So, night elf racial is meaningless for majority of players whilst raw attack power and spell power or haste is extremely easy to use but also effective for an average mythic+ player. What I mean by average is people who do keys between 10 and 18.

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Make your mind.
And it is not Nelf only ,dwarf racial is arguably even more valuable.


You are trying show me 40-50 people who take benefit of a specific normally useless racial for a specific dungeon competition as a proof of how good Alliance racials are, the racial you are talking about is literally “being able to hide while standing still”. It has no use if you don’t have premade party with full of night elf and you can stop 1 spellcast of enemy in arena. These are extremely situational and limited usages.

When people try to compete in World First race on Alliance side only then I’ll believe you until then your claims are dull and unnecessary related to alliance racials.

People also started to prefer Orc instead of Human in arena tournaments.

Currently PvE racial advantages are on Horde side, PvP is also on Horde side after some genius horde fanatic devs’ decision to nerf EMFH.


racoon army of the horde makes horde look good.

Actually you are free honor on open world and free rating on arena, I saw only 2 good vulpera pvpers until now UwU