Can we talk about DH

Faster games are great, we all want them, but manaburn exclusive to one class while mana is already the most deciding factor? Let people win/lose games based on skill, not based on how full the manabar is.

And guess what, no matter if I lose or win the games, personally I have a lot more fun. Still a lot to do (PvE gear, class balance) but already a lot more fun since the games are currently so short. Anyways, based on the gcdtv tourny with full gear, it seems like, it will not stay like this - which is sad!

That’s easy to answer: A feral or assa rogue also can generate a bunch of aoe, but they have to focus on it, place their dots to everyone, dropping pressure on their initial target for that time, can’t control in that time, etc. DH is just getting AoE damage anyways, because he hasn’t to focus on it, it’s just within his normal rotation and everything is on short cd.

His defense is just based on passiv selfheal by doing damage and dodge by pressing a damage button with like 3 sec cd or something. Even if he’s not focusing on defense, he will dodge a bunch of stuff and selfheal a lot of dmg.

That’s a perfect example of how a class should never be designed. Frost DK was called a three button class back in cata/mop because he was so easy to play, but compared to DH nowadays, he was the hardest thing to master ever!

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as much as i agree about dhs i cannot help but think uh dks are also near on impossible to kill.

hero classes ftw


Not really tbh especially with mortal strike DKs are relatively easy to kill, atleast far far easier than DHs and some other classes

In 2v2 dk dies very easily against DHs, Feral Druids, WWs, Restoration druids (lul), rogues and sv hunters (in some cases).

Another difference is that DKs don’t have infinite mobility and a mana burn on top of that and DK damage is rather low compared to DH damage

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I got a dh rdruid recently in 2s, it is fu**ing disgusting. dodging every 6 seconds, insane mobility hells of dmg and manarift. Rdruid comes in with thordns does so much dmg. Kytes a warrior with ease…

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There is a punchcard and an enchant that gives you back a lot of mana, mana burning is way less effective as it was before and mana isn’t so important at the moment either. This is what I wanted to point out.

Dk/arms/ww does pretty good aoe damage as well and they don’t need to focus on it either. So?

Ww has 100% parry built in its rotation, is that broken? Sure it seems broken but when you play the class yourself it isn’t that much. Without it ww will flop against melees, same with dh.

there’s a need for the parry for ww’s but not the dodge for DH since they’re already flippery have basically passive leech and healing which makes them almost heal for like 75% of their healer. they can also kite whenever they want any melee because their double jump and passive movement speed increase+mobility allows them to survive whenever they want unless caught in stuns.

by your logic ww’s should get also basic leech, double jump, karma on 1 min cd roll cd reduced to 10 seconds and whatsoever makes this class better than ww’s

Stop defending it, since it’s still an unique ability with such an impact and without a counterplay!

They do, but arms has to activate sweeping strikes for it (another gcd and also on CD) and WW does with 2 abilities that have an cd >20 secs.
Even Ret does good AoE, but he has to decide every single time if he should use the ability with more ST pressure, or the AoE thingy. Same for Ele, Dk, etc.

DH on the other side is doing a lot of AoE without any decision to make. It’s on a very short cd, doing insane AoE and ST (no reduction effect or stuff) etc. It’s like Fists, the difference is that Fists can easily be stopped (3.5 sec channeling time) and the base cooldown is by default 300% longer (in practice the difference is even higher, because DH is stacking haste, WW doesn’t).

It’s a PvP Talent, the CD of fof is still a lot higher and parry only works for melee attacks. Any spell that is not melee will go through and theirfor it can be easily stopped (Stormbolt for example).

DH on the other side can even avoid Karma with it, if I remember correctly. So ya, FoF is already titled as broken for many people, so Blade Dance is beyond OP, it’s godmode!

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With 20% leech mate.
If what you say was true scoreboard would look like this:
Top healing: - 1M
Top damage - 750k healing done 5 times equals 3,75M damage wtf.

makes you dc every other game 100% guaranteed.

Do not forget that even tho dh has very good mobility the spec also lacks slows unless talented and slowing a dh greatly reduces the distance of fel rush. (afaik, might be wrong on this one)

I didn’t compare ww to dh, I just made a point about how other specs have something similar to dhs, but it doesn’t make them OP.
IF dh was so brokenly OP as Venuki says it wouldn’t have only 1 r1 viable comp, it would work like mages or ele shamans :slight_smile:

stand out of the blue ring on the ground. there. counterplay.

Okay, do not forget I didn’t say dh is weak, I said mana burn won’t be an issue for now and it’ll be a smaller threat than it was in s2 because of the new enchant/punchcard and I just don’t know what to say when you have a problem with an ability that makes the previous dampening/mana meta a bit more quick.
So we’re at the point where dh damage doesn’t really make the spec broken and mana burn will be a small issue compared to the previous season.
That’s what I said and nothing more :smiley:

Because against a good DH you had no chance to win? You won by default for playing a DH.
Also how on hell can you move out of manaburn if you are stunned for almost the whole duration.
But +1 for trying anyway

I saw yesterday a game of minpojke against rsham/dh, the rsham did 3.7 million healing and the DH around 2.8 million so you’re saying again DHS don’t have self healing?

not a downside if that happens then it is duo to a bug and not because of the mechanic.

slowing DH’s is useless they always have gap closer with their mobility and their filler ability which charges them from 15 yards to their target. They can swap to a slow just fine but most of the times the stun is just better because they just don’t need a slow.

other specs=> comparing.

So because someone said they only have 1 r1 comp they’re bad? So if someone tells you he doesn’t like mcdonalds would you just because of him not go there anymore?
DH has quite many good comps to achieve at least r1 rating and or near r1 rating and they’re also broken in 2s so overall they’re very strong.

Is there actually a way to lose a game as dh, disc or rdruid beside playing against said classes? in 2s

Sure, I still have nightmares about the ladder being full of havoc dhs without a healer and all that.
Take relentless and you can run out of mana rift btw.

Okay, it happened once. Maybe even more times but it’s not a constant thing and you bring up a comp where the healer has sh1t healing output and is only viable because of the dh-s tankiness (the healing score doesn’t mean only selfhealing but absorbs from burning soul and naga hide as well which for dh procs frequently but a player with as high rating as you are knows this).
And no, I didn’t ever say DHs have no self healing, dunno where you get this one from tbh.

it IS a downside when you can’t spam double jump because if you get rng dc-d you instalose.

Well I didn’t ever state here that ww is better in any way than dh, I said ww has parry fists, just like dh has a short dodge on a lower cd.

No, it means they aren’t as broken as he said. I literally wrote this mate.

They are literally that broken, compared to their 2 buttons they have

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Dk disgustingly counters my destro and I’d still much rather fight 2 DKs than a single DH.

DH is the most toxic melee ever designed and I thought that they could never top s5 DK or s5 FoK Rogues but here we are.

And my DH hate is quite personal aswell. They ruined demo and took meta away from us to give it to a class like DH? Mana drain was OP back then for warlocks and it was rightfully taken away aswell as from Priest, and then they give an uncounterable, instant version of it to DH?

And then these smug af DH NPCs with their line “IIIIII’ve sacrificed eEEeEeEvrything, what have YOU given?” Uh I dunno… ALL OF MY ABILITIES? Makes me want to shove an anvil down their throats.

I could go on and on…


That’s true until you find a DH with 2 brain cells and he uses vengeful retreat after the stun in rele, or stuns you twice, or cage into stun, well, he’ll always score, albeit not as fast.

And as if being able to run out of the last tick of the whole duration of the rift would make it relevant at all… if even druids struggle with the rift, then you know it’s an ability that does its job.

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Relentless doesnt matter, Dh meta uptime is enought to actually get an stun rift off, even if he use Relentless, since the haste increase makes it shorter to activate.

Also Meta is up like all the time

Yeah my actual point was that rele didn’t matter since he’d always have z way to get it off.
I didn’t know haste made it proc faster though, that’s interesting.

i think they are pretty good at sticking to target. abit op actualy

it doesn’t drain mana until the blue ring disappears, you can run out of it :slight_smile: a bad druid struggles of course, on the tourny dk dh nation tried to burn resto druids and they failed like 90% of the times meaning it IS counterable.
Also Mana rift drains 8k mana while healers have a base 4000 mana regen every 5 seconds=> 800 mana / sec ==> 8000 mana regen every 10 seconds which is the cd of the ability.
It just halts regen if you don’t do anything to stop it.
Of course there are times where you can’t do anything because you get caged/restunned etc but counting with DRs the healer will burn more mana on healing the damage MR does than with regenerating the mana it took away.

You didn’t know it because it does not reduce the 2.5 sec duration.
Just checked it and it took MR to go off 2.5 sec with 0% haste and 100% haste as well.
As you can see I quoted 2 random posts from this topic about mana rift and both of them were made up, people don’t even know how the ability works… :smiley: