Can we talk about DH

It was stupid in a way, but still harder than DK ever :slight_smile:

Nope, wasn’t.

Imagine thinking that SP was harder than DK when DK was unplayable while people played double SP to 3.3K

Balance =/ class design.

your brain =/= big
your rating =/= high
your arguments =/= sense
your class =/= harder than others

Angry I see. Good. :joy:
You are such a hypocrite, it’s funny. You ask for harder class design while playing DK. You whine for DH nerfs while playing DK. :joy:


Go log on your alts and like your posts

That aside I also play Druid on twice your rating and your own class higher than you

Who said I lost to an sp? In 2s you simply can’t. In 3s it’s another kind of story

It actually is, since you can get interrupted, dispelled, stuff like Reflect and AMS exist that negates it and the defensives you mentioned prevent you from casting damage.

I’d say casters are generally harder then melee for simple reason of risking interrupt. Maybe with the exception of Elemental, but even with it, you still should check for interrupts for Lasso, so even he does care.

The only melee class that gives me a challenge when fight as fury.
The dodge is insane even without blur every second attack is dodge.
Inc DHs stealth buffs " dodge chance passivly increases so DHs no longer need to press blur , and blur CD reduced to 15 seconds so when they fire their mobility and you manage to catch them they can use blur".

selfheal of both, fury and dh just needs to go. they heal more than I do dmg, gg

Phhh so true mate, as a retribution pala is so hard to keep pressure on them . To much avoidance on meele attacks. The only way is to kill the healer somehow most of times .

Holy sh1t this thread is so edgy.


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like why can they dodge from behind when no other class can?

This I wonder too. Maybe RP stuff, nice to see RP impacting PvP.

Because lorewise they are nohomo

I’m gonna go ahead and say when my main defensive CD is baked in with another class’ dps ability, nothing is fair.
Can I have ToC when I use WB please.

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