Heyo I’m getting a bit annoyed at how often I tend to see meta being missused/ being used as a justification for denying people playing anything but meta.
Meta otherwise known as “Most effective tactic available” is exactly what it says, the best way to do a specific thing.
Meta is classified as hard or soft meta’s, the first being a defined and rigid one, leaving little room for anything but that and the ladder being one where although an optimal possibility exist it’s mostly unimportant for the average user.
Now here is where I see alot of people missunderstanding what WoW meta is - WoW is a soft meta mostly, with a few historical exceptions, but on average its a soft meta. So can we as players stop acting as if its the hardest meta to exist, atleast in m+ (can’t speak on pvp just going off of what I know).
The WoW meta is insanely soft, but because a funny system called m+ has been introduced with infinite scaling making the meta state shift as we progress it leads to a ton of players missunderstanding what is meta, what makes meta, and why is meta.
For instance, the last dungeon I’ve done with this char that I can remember was a +2 Dawnbreaker, the leader (we’ll call her karen) was looking for 1 more dps, we had a feral (me) a paladin tank that was well geared (ca.619) and a healer that was decent (ca. 609).
Now there were two applicants, one applied first and we were talking about it, a dps dracthyr with 610ilvl, we invite him and then kick him instantly. I ask why and get the response “Didnt have X-trinket” I dont remember which trinket it was, then we look for another dps, declining hte same dracthyr again.
Now I’m typically a really decent guy that is hard to get mad but when I see somebody be denied the possibility of playing a game because someone else doesnt understand how overkill they are being I get a bit annoyed.
I left the group whispered the dracthyr and made a group with him, chill guy, we then do a different dawnbreaker two that we found and it went smoothly. It’s almost like meta is irrelevant in early stages… crazy I know.
TLDR. Meta is the most player driven restriction, and then simultaniously one of the things players complain about the most, I don’t get it.
Sorry for the rant, I just get really heated when something is blatantly missunderstood.