Can we up the Lariat recipe droprate? At least for JCs or w/e

Can we please UP the drop rate?
I’m so tiered of rushing to every primal storm spawn for the last few weeks (and I’m online like A LOT) and still never see the recipe drop. As other people say - just snipe AH. Great advice lol. Thanks again Blizzard for punishing people who actually play the game. You could at least make it drop more often for chars with JC or something. Leaving BiS neck for every class just like that so a bunch of AH-snipers could enjoy their profits is like the worst thing you could possibly do for a profession in WoW.

And about the new system prof lvling - don’t you see that some profs are just easy to lvl up, like JC for example? All I did was creating a Titanic Insight ring and then recrafted it enough times to get to max skill lvl on my JC char. Mats for this recraft cost close to nothing. Try the same with Blacksmithing for example. With alloy prices this is impossible or am I wrong?

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