Can you ban addons like WA

Can you ban addons like weak aura?

wow is the only game where installing a cheatcode is “normal”

Just tried it, the addon tells you everything, imagine playing league of legend, cs and the addon tells you there is this or that, with trumpet noises or others.

It’s really sad, it makes the state of the game, whether in pvp or pve (mm +, raid) bad.

Don’t tell me, but you can install it, it’s free, this argument is bad.

Either blizzard should ban the addon or make it accessible to everyone already in the game


The addon is accessible to everyone at Curseforge?


They do have some built-in ‘weak auras’ for most spells just no one notices.


why ban addons, which are accessible to everyone, when they dont do anything against addons which arent? =)

example from the (epic) battleground thread:

tldr: ppl using addons to dodge fights against different premade groups in casual epic pvp to have easy fights; they use a different (not accessible) addon to check for this =)

Blizz isnt doing anything right now to handle unfair behavior of the playerbase. Alone this patch, you could exploit the siren isle ring to have it max week 1 with faction change and week 2 you could exploit it to have it max with full bags and the catch up mechanic.


This might be a hot take, but I think there shouldn’t be any Addons PERIOD Other games are playable without them and Blizzard should develop a game that is entertaining and engaging enough and that provides everything the consumer needs in and of itself.

I use some Addons too, but I wish I didn’t feel the need I have to.


so please tell me what do people with disablities do then? if you remove all addons that removes the chance for them to play. players with poor eyesight or bad hearing as an example need them. its like people like you and OP dont think about the whole picture and player base.


Hot take is generally just another way of saying objectively garbage take. Most addons are customisation options - thats very personal.


If you don’t like addons, don’t use them. WA is no different to any other addon.


No. I despised this in FF14 and it felt awful to not being able to properly customize the UI etc.

I did use add-ons in that game but officially they are banned. But made the game so much better.

Wow without add-ons would be awful as well.


Imo I dont think they should remove or ban addons like weakauras. Its a really powerful addon that can be used in so many ways. I dont think there’s a problem with tracking your procs and CD’s with weakaura or using more silly WA’s like the Pedrolust. They should however restrict the boss/ envirement interactions.


watching pvp arena when the addon is vocally telegraphing each thing: "cloning, dispelled, kick cast, bubble, switch, " etc is so low quality and inept*. I`m not even talking about the bloat of other UI addons, that makes you play not your character but frames and indicators all over the screen.

*Moderator edit

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The problem is the game is designed with it in mind.
If it were removed now, the performance of several specs would drop off a cliff cause there is no way to easily track buffs on the default UI. Specs would have to be redesigned with this new paradigm.

Read i am not necessarily opposed to it, but right now i need it to play the game comfortably. Also, as a tank it’s important to have the WA warn me when a tank buster is coming out while i am tanking multiple mobs. There are too many nameplates overlapping to be able to react to everything.
If the default UI presented the functionality WA does to track buffs, debuffs and conditions and a nerf all around of the mechanics we need tracked, i would be fine if it was gone.
I hate addons personally. I hate having to constantly update them and have my ui broken when a new patch hits until there is an update. But currently the addon is simply required.

Even if it wasnt, it wouldnt change anything as Blizzard has proven.

Point in case: Fyrakk Mythic. They disabled a weakaura function for him before he went live (the debuff you get in the first intermission. It couldnt be tracked by WA and people had to do a convoluted mess to trick the addon and that didnt work most of the time anyway. Guilds took an entire raid night (this isnt a hyperbole) to set the thing up because of Blizzard blocking access and even then it bugged out. Blizzard presumed solution to the mechanic was a setup that nobody could ever dream of to deal with the orbs and deal with the very tight dps check at the time.

We get BS mechanics even without weakauras. This raid however has been relatively fine aside from Ovinaxx egg markers on players. Arguably the gates on Ansurek Mythic P2 but that can be done without WA quite easily.

Thats a case since pretty much always. Blizzards UI was always among the worst in the business. Not to mention Blizzard even baiting you into pressing stuff by blinking up an ability despite it at that point being a dps loss.

Removing at least some addons would be great.
Everything up to mythic raid is perfectly playable without addons, but when it comes to high-end content, here we go. I don’t mind if they leave UI and other non-important addons, as I believe that some classes are simply unplayable without them, but I’d love them to remove WA, DBM and all that kind of stuff, so all the players are in the same conditions.


Buddy trust me, i have seen people who have WA installed and still with all the alerts going off manage to mess up.

A simple addon will not turn people in the Omnipotent Beings that all of a sudden just Solo Mythic Raid bosses.


Can you send a copy of it? I haven’t seen that one yet.

You take my addons, I stop healing. Simple as. Let’s hear the DPS crying about there being not enough healers!


You’re right, but that should be Blizzards responsibility to take care of their player base.

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or you can just decide not to use them and don’t install them ?


They are .that’s why such addons are allowed . :dracthyr_shrug: