ive been lowkey praying they just remove healers from wow at this point
if they cannot make the item level gap less impactful lets say 30 item levels between geared and non geared instead of 200, then there is ahrdly any point
ive played some games in my wow life, and its pretty clear now that healers carry games WAY harder than dps do…
for instant, ive had games (which ofc i have screenshots of) where the top 4 dps in the bg were all on one team, but the enemy team had significally more kills and objectives, simply to the fact that the heal gap was around 50millions.
so even tho we were ahead of like, 100M dmg, that 50M healing (and im assuming absorbs and def cd) made the bg look like a stomp, but on the other side… and this is what hapens most bgs, its usually just a very big healing gap
NOT that healing done is the only way to prove this thing, because often u will see healers being top on the leaderbaord in healing, simply because they go in take dmg and heal theymself… u see this often with kotmogu, w/e a healer decides to pick a orb and healbot himself, his team dies, he dies, but he is doing “fine” in healing
it all comes down to skill, but i agree the design of the game atm is very much flawles and not fair for w/e tries to enter the game without being fully geared
they have to reduce the item level gap between players… and if they don’t want to do that… well, just make people scale w/e gear they have int pvp to same IL i guess… suboptimal, but more fair than w/e we have now (and what ofc we had before for years, this is nothing new)
They need to have their mana pools severely hampered in a BG setting for me, healers should be there to get you out of trouble, not keep the whole group and themselves alive indefinitely. Priests tanking flags better than most tanks is just ridiculous, the fact some of them can also dish out some pretty decent damage on top is just as silly… are they healers or dps? shouldn’t be both.
Do they not get the debuff? Had a bit of a debate in a WSG a while back with a rogue. I asked ppl to go help the rogue get our flag back, he said no point as it wasn’t the DK tank with the flag, but the Priest. He said they don’t get the stacks, I could see the debuff in the Priest’s debuffs though, is that just cosmetic on a healer?
they do get stacks, im saying they do not take the same dmg tanks get tho
tank die easily because they
take more dmg
have stacks
u get zerg or w/e and burst
u feel alot the dmg increasce on tanks when u r bursting, i feel like a healer just yoinking a falg and being immortal is stupid. sometimes they pick up even when tank is in bg, leaving the tank to fight mid doing nothing which is also very helpful to your own team…
coming from league of legends, i would kick/interrupt a healers healing/shielding ability and u could easily 1v1 him then, when i started pvping here i was shocked it takes 3-4 ppl in bgs to kill a single heal after 30s+, different games sure, but point still stands like Opaloka said, they are raid bosses
Yeah it happens all the time with me, not just priests mind but I’ll be headed to the flag and someone else will grab it then either drop it for me unannounced in the middle of the map, with enemies all over. Otherwise they’ll take it and refuse to drop it, rendering me almost useless.
By the time they get killed, I’m left trying to get the flag but it now already has like 10+ stacks on it, so now I simply have to watch them go full lemming while I sit back and wait till they die to regrab.
as a support main on league who mostly playus enhancers and peelers
i cannot comprehend how busted healers are in wow…
in league even supports like janna, are cosndiered strong when palyed properly, what does janna have ?
a 4 seconds shield that absorb 2-3 attacks
1 slow that has longer cd than duration
1 knock with a long cd
and 1 aoe knock
and thats it. and somehow great plaeyrs make a champ like janna strong purely on skill play, predicting and correctly using their knock, and so on
meanwhile healers on wow boop u r full hp boop nobody takes dmg boop u r also full hp boop all your buffs are gone
idk, healers are busted, broken, and lame.
might be why i stopped playing healer myself, i was somehow enjoying disc priest aqt some point, but in dragonflight i found myself bored of it, i tried evo, same thing, it was fun while learning its basics then it started making me fall asleep, the rewards u get from pushing 2 buttons is so big that it makes me completely bored with it
Let’s remove Healers from the game.
And Mages too.
And Demon Hunters.
And Rogues?
And ofc Evokers too, they are too annoying.
Let’s also remove DKs.
Remove Warriors too.
Oh, I forgot Hunters, they are op, REMOVE.
Random Bgs have no dampening. Healers are structured around arena, to be able to survive a bit the dampening there and have healthy fights.
Also, League of Legends is another game, who cares?
You’re safe.
Also, why do people that play in premades themselves come here and spit on premades?
You guys good?
I know it’s 40 degrees everywhere, so perhaps you need to eat more fruit and drink more, cause you don’t seem healthy.
I wonder what excuse you’re going to make now. You just left a BG that was just Jillune (White low alter) and me in 2/5 group. The healer that was in the alliance had 1000k health.
Isn’t it supposed that without premade I’m nothing?
What just happened to you now?
No matter what you say or do, these people will always find an excuse to justify their losses and frustration, and the reason is never them ofc.
it doesn’t matter what you do, they will always come here and complain.
So you may as well do what makes you happy.
Oh look!
The guy who has a go at premades but at the same time premades himself with Fado and his Community!
You’re still around talking I see…interesting