Can you do again Algalon's pet battle fight?

Hey, I did complete the quest, but I would like to fight him again. Is there any way for me to do it or it’s gone ?

No, there is no way.

If there were, some of the regular strat-setters would have made new strats for Algalon after the changes, and with new pets.

Ok ,but on an alt ?
This what I’ve got from gm:
“You can, however, level up a new character and do the quest again with it as this quest can be done once per character and not per account (regardless of the achievement).” How can I do this quest again? Item is gone to start quest and I won’t get another one because achievement is done.

I suspect the GM doesn’t know what he’s talking about, and is just reading data about the quest.

It may be that the quest is marked as once per character, but since the whole account can get the quest only once on one character from finishing the Wrath collection, that doesn’t help anything.

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I had managed to get the invitation on test realms, but as soon as I reimported data to get more pets to cage, the quest got marked as completed. Which I knew would happen.

I am afraid simply wiping the data again won’t be of much help, exactly, as long as I keep loading already imported characters (the invitation owner belongs to these as well). I think I can find a way, but would need a few continuous hours to carry it out.

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