Can you do your Job? PvP still unplayeble

A warlock is complaining about something being overpowered in PvP? The Irony :smiley:


I checked the AWC and I think Ill stay on the unskilled category.

I respect choices :relieved:

frankly i dont care about pvp while even pve is messed up so badly that basicly classes are neglected so badly that they cant even do anything cos their dps is sheet. Like arcane, fury wary, feral, survy hunter etc.

yeh its only the worst caster class in pvp atm :slight_smile:

Instead of nerfing, has Blizzard ever considered just buffing specs/classes that are struggling? Seems more reasonable to me, and would make players happier, not bitter towards being nerfed.

Why are all dh players low IQ?

You think it’s the players fault as to why destro was broken in bfa? It’s called borrowed power while the other 2 specs were completely trash.

Thank Blizzard that PvP is only “unplayeble”, I was worried you thought it was “unplayable”. It is quite playable, or is it playeble?

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