Can you do your Job? PvP still unplayeble

How is lot of time after seson start and Fire mage Sub rouge still over buffed nothing happaned.Everyone saw how was in OTK vs Cloud9 Boomy 1 shot R1 player without fullmoon convoke and Blizzard nerf convoke with fullmoon really?How the blizzard so stupid ? And why playing atm 6 Lock 5 DH and 9 Dk above 2.7k and why 93 Fire mage 50 Sub rouge and Finaly 1 Only 1 Mw Monk vs 98 Hpally.You think is okey ? Blizzard Please Do Something Ask player if you dont know how is your game but dont let ppl suffering. Thx.


I agree that this is an extreme and something have to be done. Pvp is about like 5 specs atm…

a bit offtopic: But for the mw part, be carefull what you wish for man. If they become viable your spec and mine spec will get singlehandedly removed from the arena just by them. …if they get buffs…and they should…spheres have to be changed…


I’ve been pointing these things out, on xunamate it shows in 2v2 there are 16000 holy palas being played and only 53 mw monks right now. I wish I knew blizzards reasons for leaving these classes not viable and others so overpowered, but lets face it we will never get that answer. And I doubt any changes until next patch, “maybe”.


I mean Mitch and Xaryu are basically ruining NA ladder by playing one of the strongest casters in the game and just flexing on anything which comes within 5 yard radius of them by having insane short cd burst and so much CC its so boring how OP fire mage is even after the “nerfs”

also where are the monk nerfs hello?


I totally agree with you. Even tho I’m playing boomkin. I have 2 boomkins at max level and one is Night Fae wich is my main, and the other one is Kyrian. My kyrian druid is way lower in gear so I can’t tell you exact numbers, BUT… I really do think that Kyrian druid is more op in high end arena then Night Fae. Just make sure kick that convoke and you fine lmao.
Also paladins has to get bigger nerf I agree… its a joke how they deal damage and heal as much as you heal with a resto druid with 50% mana and they barely loose any mana…

PeeVeePee is not balanced around 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 10v10!!! Learn it!

it’s balanced around PvE.


but pve looks similar terrible?
Look at raider io. All i see is tank dh, Disc, Fire mage, Rogue, boomy. Sprinkle in the occasionally MM hunter / ww monk here and there but thats it.
We got specs like havoc, fury or assa that floating in the toilet and nothing is done either


The solution isn’t to nerf paladin immunities (which they’ve had since vanilla), the solution is to tone down this broken burst meta that we have atm.
It’s the insane burst and RNG one shots that push people to play pala, no other healer can counter big bursts like a paladin.

I wish. But like Ocean pointed out, class variety in M+ is pretty awful as well.
Tanks 100% DH, healers 90% sham/druid, dps 90% ranged.
Class balance is at an all time low in SL, both in PvP and PvE and Blizz isn’t reacting fast enough with patches.
People are rage quitting over this.
Not good for business…

No, it doesn’t. You never see Patch notes saying that a certain ability will be tuned down to 50% effectiveness in M+ and Raid content.

With the huge disclaimer here that this is what the PvE Community WANTS. They literally WANT it.

Because Rio = skills

and since

Boost = Rio

it means that

Skills = Boost X (gold + free sub)


Skills = Euro

I don’t know about that, there was yet another Twitch boosting in the LFG the other night with promised M15+ and the streamer was a Fury Warr doing 6k+ dps :slight_smile: With all my imaginary CDs I manage to get like 2.2k, sometimes 3k with A LOT of trash, but he was 5.8k to 6k DPS in the OVERALL damage meter :smiley:

cool 6k dps while the next bob fire mage does 50k. cool

Seriously my lvl 53 hunter does more dmg than my DH with ilvl 195. Fun right?
Why does my lvl 53 hunter has over 4k avg dmg in dungeons.

Since I am also part of the pve community I can only tell you NO I DON"T want that. Also you see lots of threads complaining about the balance.

So 13% tuning buffs are better? (now that 13% didn’t even help since they are still at the bottom)
Maybe it would be in the end 25%, so how a tuning of 25% to a whole SPEC is better than nerfing 1 ability for 50% in pvp because they didn’t think how broken it is?

pve balance currently is terrible.
In bfa you can say yea around lvl 30 keys or whatever the meta shows badly and some classes cannot keep up but in SL this manifests even at 15 keys already.

Why would I take a DH over a fire mage if the dps difference is like 2k or more?
Sad thing is that the player cannot even do anything about it.
Now with the AoE cap they made it even worse.
Why fire mage is partly uncapped and otherwise capped to 8 while melees are all capped to 5?
This alone makes more sense to take ranges and pull bigger which ends up in more dps.

But then again this company cannot even balance a simple mythic single target encounter. It is clear they either don’t want or they are incompetent or both

PVP is completely trash.

Have you seen the arena community? No surprise there is so much anger there.

You should have seen legion s2. 33% resto shamans. ONE SPEC 33% of TOP ARENA LADDER.

Just delete arena?

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Your max exp is 1500, perhaps you should git gud so that we can take your words seriously.


it’s a lot more than just those tho.

vdh, brew, guardian are all good (dhs are ahead though)

disc, rsham, hpal are all very good, druid isn’t bad but not super good.

as for dps yeah you may be right there, though I dont think balance is ever realistically going to be achieved there since raiding is all about DPS outside the highest of mythic raiding while in M+ it’s mostly about comps and what classes bring to the group.

and that automatically means that unless a bad spec is so overtuned that it’s on the top of every raid metric its probably not going to get picked over a class that has actual utility and stuff.

Havoc and assa kinda deserve to float in the toilet though after last season :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Same for destro :wave:

In a perfect world I’d prefer everything to be balanced, sure.

I agree with the main post. PvP is terribly unbalanced. The leaderboards say a lot about the general demographics since people in the lower brackets gets it as a reference. I would recommend you to go to party posts of Arenas/RBGs, you will not see LF Hunter or LF WW Monk - but you will see plenty of requests for DKs Rogues Mages and obviously Boomkins. Lets not forget about holy paladins as well. Moreover, the DH tanks - their amazing mobility and survivability is just so good to be replaced by any other tank class.

As a hunter player myself, there have been days where I have been searching for a group for more than a solid 1 hour. It is really hard to convince people that any other class can be out-ranked with a class that is not in its brightest days. I am really not asking for a complete balance (it is impossible that is why) but at least I am asking for the devs to do something so every class can participate without being called a “useless class”.

Embrace low level pvp
So goofy and fun
No bs borrowed power trash
Endgame is bad

Totally agree.

Complete rework would be welcome.

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Well unless there is hpriest with Holy Ward (provides immunity to first CC applied) and or 8 sec interrupt immunity talent.

Or say Prot Pala with guardian of Queen. There is a bunch of ways to make it uninterruptavble.

It will be an issue unless it’ll get nerfed/reworked to the ground. One button press interruptable or not should not have any chance to delete other player from 100 to 0 in competitive PvP.

Especially for the class that have stealth, CC and 45 yard range on abilities.

Yes we have 3 good tanks 1 mediocre tank and 2 garbage tanks currently.

Healer balance outside of Garbage Weaver and holy priest is okish.

DPS are all over the place though with crazy dmg differences even between the meta classes showcased in MDI.

Sure we got 3 major contents (pvp, raid, m+) and if you are lazy you can balance around one of those, but currently it isn’t balance in any of those departments.
I mean they are not even able to balance a patchwork fight and then they just tell you “we like classes have strength and weaknesses” In my eyes a stupid excuse. Yes they want imbalances because of MAU and money reasons, nothing else.

If sub rogue would be also down the drain I would agree. Replacing 1 rogue with another doesn’t help me much :smiley: