Can you fixx Arms warriors pve 0 invites into content 1hour queue

Incorporeal Week getting 0 invites …

Demon Hunter:
Imprison - 1min

Hibernate - 40sec

Sleep Walk - 20sec

Scare Beast - 20sec
Freezing Trap - 1min

Polymorph - 1min

Paralysis - 1min

Turn Evil - 40sec
Repentance - 1min (requires to spec out of Blinding Light)

Shackle Undead - 50sec (requires to spec out of Feather thingy)

Blind - 1min

Hex - 1min

Banish - 30sec

Death Knights and Warriors do not have any stuns/fears that last long enough to CC the mob for it’s full duration.

And dont say do your key , i put my 19 key 30 minuts 0 tanks and heal XD

Arms warrior fix : dps warriors can now apply to pug finder to more than 5
groups at a time for a max of 20 queue in the hope some one accepts him

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I like that fix ROFL

Both warrior specs are in bad positions when it comes to invites, fury is not that much better than arms. This is no issue with particular spec, its a class wide issues, compared to other tanks Protection also has very weak utility.

As for why that may be a reason, well, there are classes that literally outshines us at everything. Mages, Demon Hunters, Rogues, Augmentation Evokers. All are far stronger picks compared to Warrior, they are doing more damage, a lot more in fact, are more survivable than we are, or equally so, have a lot more utility that can take care of affixes and specific dungeon mechanics.

This is not even a META question anymore, it’s simply a fact, no matter how good a warrior player is he will never be able to replace good Mage or Good DH or Rogue.


why take a warrior when you can take ret more utility and damage also can stil do its damage while kiting shades

This m+ week (fortified/afflicted/raging) warrior literally feels like a wasted dps spot: there are classes that can dispel and have more utility while doing more damage. It’s actually close to trolling to invite a warrior right now.

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I disagree with this statement.

We have too many abilities that dont serve any purpose at all.

I would consolidate some abilities. For example, I dont like that TC is used only to spread bleeds, while WW is used only to feed Test of Might.

Plus, the whole concept of short 10s “windows” really punishes missing 1 GCD, or using the wrong ability in 1 GCD during that window.

If anything I would do the following changes:

  • TC and WW removed from the rotation entirely. The talent “thunder clap” transforms MS into cleave. A sort of dreadnaught effect… Plus spreads rend if blood and thunder are talented.

  • Test of might concept changed into: Extending the time of colossus smash as a function of rage spent.

  • WW and Slam off the global cool-down as rage spenders.

Those are the things I would do.

So now, Arms returns to its roots. MS + overpower. And off GCD spenders like Heroic Strike used to be. And then CDs like bladestorm and sweeping strikes.

I think this is great, it’s also used as a slow. Could it be a defensive debuff like in the old days? That would be incredible, but also probably considered too strong? I think Thunder Clap spreading bleeds represents the best periods of Arms gameplay, Dragon Soul and Siege of Orgrimmar in particular.

The wrong way to do it was perhaps Battle For Azeroth where it was effectively all of Arms Warrior’s damage on multi target. Even then, a change I’d make to Arms right now is buff rend spread to 8 targets.

On single target it is, on AOE it still does meaningful damage. This isn’t ideal game design, it can be fixed by making WW do more damage, the point of the “big cooldown, big cost” whirlwind was meant to be an homage to the past, where Whirlwind was a massive damage button, it should be that again.

Arms Warrior isn’t overly punishing, compared to how it was for example in Legion 7.0 especially it’s quite forgiving. As well as that, Test of Might isn’t really used outside of single target or 2 target sustained situations, where it really works in a more passive way, you have the CS damage window and then the TOM damage window and they often cross-over, that makes Arms kinda easy to play.

TOM doesn’t work well from a gameplay POV on multi-target, but that’s why people generally don’t use it in M+. If they removed TOM nobody is crying, but it’s “fine”.

I disagree, I think TC for rend spread is great and I think WW if it actually did big damage is also great. I hated when they turned WW into a feather duster spam ability, they had the right idea in Dragonflight, they just missed the mark a bit. It should be a big ability that you anticipate pressing, like in the past.

Passive cleave is meh, we had that already in Legion. SS only feels bad because they put it on the GCD. It felt great in the past when it was off GCD and you’d pool rage for a big SS cleave window. Thunder Clap has been a core part of Arms AOE since WOTLK, it should be made better, not removed.

You mean Cleave and Heroic strike? I love Classic gameplay, but why Slam/Whirlwind? Whirlwind should be a big hit, not a rage burner, especially not off GCD, how janky would that look?

MS + Overpower is 80% of the build right now.

Bladestorm should be baseline for Arms and stronger, the way it’s basically a hurricane buff button right now is bad. People sitting around wondering how to maximise Dragon Roar windows with Hurricane stacks is bland. It’s bland that your SS + Overpower spam following a Bladestorm does significantly more damage than the Bladestorm.

Yeah, I hate this.

Nice, que from 3pm to 8 pm and get 0 Invites with full bis gear, legendary and a lot of 27s intime, i dont get invitet for 26s keys with 27s intime. Rly good job Blizz. What ppl are doing without legy and bis gear, que for 1 week ?


While offtopic, as it is not a fix of the issue but a work-around; it do kind of brush upon a solution to the problem.

Instead of waiting 5 hours in que, doing nothing. Why not - either network and build up a team, or do your own keystone?

Why must it be someone else’s key and not your own? When using your own removes all downtime and makes you the team captain insted of the last pick.

Is it the challenge of getting in that is the pull-in factor of this activity? As you do seem quite aware of the situation at large, how unlikely it would be for you to be invited in the first place.

Arms is in a real bad spot, and should get some help. Maybe S4 will fix a lot of the issues, with cleave-set coming back. So we can hope for the best :dracthyr_heart:

Why would anyone want to network with a nice warrior if they can network with any other nice person with a useful class?


I’ve been playing since the end of the 2nd week of 10.2, still no legendary. I don’t have anything useful, on top of that I still don’t have the legendary.

How many expansions and how many seasons you need to design a viable warrior class?

Besides, why do we have arms and fury? They’re both holding 2H. Although the rotation is not similar, it’s not that far away from each other. They’re just very identical, both smashing buttons, and it’s so easy to drop one and pick up the other.

Please either next season or next xpac, try to think outside the box a little bit. Rework either arms or fury to make it more support with shouts, crys, stuns, protection, shield, etc.

An old tier set revamp won’t solve the core problem, if they buff it like crazy it will just hide the original root cause.

Well this week is an afflicted week so we can brush ourselves to find a Pug, the only way to fill the vault is to create our own groups.

btw i que only in groups with good setup, min 1 cr , 1 lust/bl and ppl they can play affix.
But no reasons to invite a warrior.


Yep, no reason what so ever to invite a warrior - waiste of spot in group.

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To me its pretty easy to fix. Remove test of might ( or just make it a steady number no matter what we push ? or base it on Globals used ?) as a talent it flattens our dmg curve in raid, which sucks donkey balls. 2nd give us 1 decent spender that beats OP in ST for rage. and for utility the obvious ones move shockwave up, or make it baseline ( then in the capstone change it to Aftershock from sl). Make cs Baseline, and warbreaker the talent choice.

no reason after “Buff” invite a warrior, we need more utility for the grp

  • Better Shockwave Position
  • 1 new utility 1) Banner reduce inc. dmg for 20% 8sec.
  • Bloodlust Cry
  • and affix controll

So we have 1 grp utility, 1 aoe stun and BL, then is warrior giga fine.

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Give us a Necro banner, BL and a way to deal with the CC affix

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