Can you fixx Arms warriors pve 0 invites into content 1hour queue

Warrior Arms actually only hit good at 35 % and aoe spam with cds is good … then is a joke

Can you rework this class already , Demonology warlocks are doing 100 million dps more than me in dungeon runs , can you fix our limited mechanics of doing dps ? reworking this class

Fury bar need to get reworked , colossus smash need to be reworked or remove it from game : we need dps not depending in it , the fast phasing of pulls in a mithyc plus is getting us behind and dramattically can ruin our dps when we dont have colossus smash …

I feel like arms warrior could be so much greater than this situation I cant handle this nonsense im looking into other games already .


Arms doesn’t need a complete rework, the build works pretty well it’s just undertuned. If Sudden Death counted towards Test of Might, if Thunderclap > Rend spread capped at higher target number, if Bladestorm/Whirlwind did more damage.

Small tuning changes to a variety of things would fix the damage, there is no need for a redesign with how often CS is available and how often the spec can hit a burst window, it just has less numbers than other specs. The only rework they could do is design the talent trees to free up more utility points without sacrificing damage.

As for queues, I’ve seen people declining players for 11 keys waiting until they get ilvl475+, it’s just a reality when you have 30 DPS sign up to a key and the leader picks the best geared meta class. Find a guild or only run your own keys, I play M+ with my Classic WOTLK guildies.

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Big true they need to rework arms so bad our damage profile is bad please get rid of all these execute talents they don’t make any sense they have zero value on anything but mythic bosses on progress . Start of the patch you do alot of damage on single target as people gear more and more bosses die faster can’t even press execute 11 times!
And in m+ it’s not useable adds die too fast and bosses on Fortnite same thing!
Rework all of these talents please make bladestworm OUR main cooldown do something other classes with same 1.5 cd do better DH hunt and Fellbarag on 1.5 and do better aoe and st??? Tyrant for warlock also on 1.5 and it’s respectful cd to use how it’s our theme our main cd is just root breaker or mechanic skip smh…
Please i don’t want to play this fury or any class. Arms was super fun in legion bfa and shadowlands but in df with all of these talents st vs aoe talents made the class worse and worse

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dno how u cant get key invites… honestly… i find in 5-10 mins everytime i do a dungeon. or spam a dungeon to farm something… maiby just bad luck dno

Agree with your take.

Especially bladestorm. It has such a high opportunity cost associated to it that it should either do much more damage or let us kick/cc while in BS (I guess it might upset pvp balance so more dmg is best).

It is always annoying to intentionaly gimp yourself and lose the huricane buff window because you have a kick attribution and the mob cant be bothered to cast in between both bladestorms…

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People only look fol bl classes , batle ress classes , ranged specs prio

Warrior is the bottom choice in a pug invite , im just asking can we get something good so people see us , look a geared warrior with good raider io points ---->Insta accept buttom… can we play this game or reroll change game ?

Like when u need a bl and u get that hunter ranged , or u see a demonology warlock and u insta take him cuz they do incredible damage , when see a warrior that will grant a mega buff to all players like a general should ispire their troops in battle. I mean we have nothing


Of course it’s true the lack of utility with Arms is a big problem, especially because you’re reluctant to take Shockwave as it’s an even larger tradeoff of dps, when you’re already behind on DPS.

And of course a spec like BM Hunter, extremely easy to play, ridiculously high damage, amazing utility. BM is the maybe the most obvious one because it has the advantages of both Melee and Ranged without any of the drawbacks. I’m not against a spec like BM Hunter being good, but these meta specs become obvious choices for every key holder.

I can’t get invited to high keys either, but I knew that before I started playing again, I only logged back into retail because guildies said they would run keys with me (already timed a bunch of 20’s playing Ret/Arms/Havoc/Disc/Vengeance. It was the same in Shadowlands S1, nobody wanted Warriors in pugs really.

Bringing me to my point, it isn’t the actual gameplay design or rotation that is the problem, it’s the tuning and the way the talent tree is setup. If they buffed the damage in a few places, and maybe reworked the flow of the tree to allow some utility to be taken without gimping the damage, that alone would make a big difference, because the reality is other classes do more damage and people know it.

The rework I would do though is put Bladestorm nearer the top of the tree so it’s effectively baseline for Arms. I would also remove spear of bastion from the game.


I appreciate your knoledge Bigbazz but a demon hunter just destroyed me in damage output , dps meters dont lie and we have similar item lvl , the problem is not the skill gap its the arms warrior main core abilities setup to be irrelevant at this point

It feels like be doing a race with a 2004 ( arms warrior ) car model vs a new model of 2023 (DH) upgraded version

I dont care what you do just fix it we are irrilevant

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I’m not arguing, other classes are much stronger, but when you’re talking about damage here, the problem is easy to fix, a rework is not an easy fix, but Arms doesn’t need that, it just needs a few buffs, like some of the ones I mentioned.

Long term an overhaul is a nice idea, but that’s a next expansion solution since Warrior has already been through some big changes, the bottom line is just number tuning for the immediate issues.

No arms need big rework dh doing my single target with his cleave build is not balanced these talents but be purged i can’t stand the idea that i need 8+ talents to just normal st damage while everyone else lose 2%-5% dps to get to thier aoe build. Why i need to go full full aoe build to compete with other classes that go half and half and they do my aoe damage be honest here for once. This whole talents is a scam for arms since df launch. yay we get double time and heroic leap and storm bolt at the same time but it cost us everything. Idk just kill these execute talents and giga buff bladestworm to the point its top damage in st and aoe this execute phase stuff need to die for ever when people ask for execute they want this old classic deleting people if they are below 20% not this legion legendary + antores tire set rip off . We don’t care make sweeping strike replace cleave or mortal strike replaced by cleave we want to do whatever other classes do in aoe while not gimping myself in st just like everyone eles and when i spec into full full st i shouldn’t do beast master hunter with cleave build st if i do his damage thats mean arms is broken and need rework.


You can always use your own key, and make your own groups, you know that, right?

Warriors have plenty of utility for m+. The damage you lose from taking shockwave is so small that it honestly doesn’t matter, and if you’re not taking shockwave for m+… well, maybe there’s a reason why it takes so long to get a group.
You’ve got Shockwave, Storm Bolt, Spell Reflect, Intimidating Shout, Piercing Howl, Berserker Shout, Battle Shout, Rallying Cry. Now I get that it would need for you to switch some things around to get some of these without gimping your DPS too much, but they’re still options that are there to be taken.

In regards to arms as a spec, sure, we suffer from investing all in to ST or AoE and nothing in between, so maybe pick depending on your group setup. So what if the DH in your group is doing massive damage, but if you’ve got strong priority target damage, then you’re still helping the group progress.
There’s a couple of builds you can use. If AoE is what you want, you’ve got Fervor of Battle, with slam talents and Sweeping Strikes up, it allows the slam to cleave while keeping up a decent amount of AoE damage, while using Cleave to help keep Deep Wounds applied to everything. You could try the other type of build that is more ST focused, but still have strong cleave damage with Improved Sweeping Strikes and Collateral Damage, while taking Bladestorm to use as a CD for more or less every pact or two. Collateral Damage helps save up a juiced up WW to use.

The only real thing that needs to be addressed when it comes to arms, is the fact that before 35% on a boss, we simply don’t have a way to spend rage since the nerf to Ignore Pain.

Explore the build more, there’s more options to use outside of copy/paste guides on wowhead, find what works for you, or get carpel tunnel from playing fury instead.

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Completely disagree , at least needs partial rework.

Especially these 2 abilities needs to be nuked and never brought back.

The highest rated Arms Warrior doesn’t take Shockwave. Telling a low dps spec that the dps they lose from taking utility isn’t significant is a kick in the teeth when for example a Rogue just turns on Blade Flurry and that spell alone is doing more dps than an Arms Warrior, while they have more utility across the board.

Of course an Arms can take Shockwave, it comes at a cost, the cost is DPS, which is probably why when you inspect top rated Arms Warriors, you see them only taking Storm Bolt, even on their Fortified (bladestorm) build.

By all means though if you think you know better than the rank 1 M+ Warrior in the world, you go tell him he’s bad for not running Shockwave.

Test of might works great on single target, it provides a damage bonus between CS uses, which during high haste uptime (lust) can overlap giving massive damage potential, the fact that you have a choice with In For the Kill that is more competitive on burst AOE and still pretty good on single target makes it a decent talent.

Thunder Clap has been a core part of Arms since 2008, and I think the way it works to spread rend is great.

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Test of might talent design destroys the spec completely , wants you to min max abilities that doesnt feel good to press. It’s extremely boring unrewarding gameplay which punishes you hardly when you miss a gcd.

2024 is near and we dont need ancient class design to dominate. We had hero classes that show us what a meaningfull button is. Sorry to say this but that ancient ability doesnt feel rewarding to press. Same with test of might . Make cds / abilities meaningfull to press not rage dump rotation fillers. Pressing blade dance on demon hunter feels 20 times more rewarding then pressing any button arms has.


I’ve tried and failed to be interested in or enjoy DH gameplay, so I can only disagree. The best versions of Arms existed in Dragon Soul and Siege of Orgrimmar, both iterations included Thunder Clap as an AOE dot spreader.

How it works on single target as a filler isn’t super great, but with the new set bonus it’s largely replaced by Slam anyway.

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absolutely stupid ret gets a small buff and it was already out performing arms and arms gets nothing also all 3 mage specs will be s tier after the buffs why do blizzard love that class so freaking much

The highest rated Arms Warrior doesn’t take Shockwave. Telling a low dps spec that the dps they lose from taking utility isn’t significant is a kick in the teeth when for example a Rogue just turns on Blade Flurry and that spell alone is doing more dps than an Arms Warrior, while they have more utility across the board.
Of course an Arms can take Shockwave, it comes at a cost, the cost is DPS, which is probably why when you inspect top rated Arms Warriors, you see them only taking Storm Bolt, even on their Fortified (bladestorm) build.
By all means though if you think you know better than the rank 1 M+ Warrior in the world, you go tell him he’s bad for not running Shockwave.

Are you in the process of doing +25-28? The reason they wouldn’t take it for keys like that, is because Roar is going to be up every pack, or maybe twice per pack, depending on the pulls. and considering Roar is our only uncapped AoE, then it would make sense.

Simming my own character (481ilvl), dungeon slice, self buffed, with the difference of no Shockwave, no Endurance Training vs Uproar and 1/2 Cruel Strikes is a MASSIVE difference of 3.7k dps as both Bladestorm and FoB builds. So yeah, taking Shockwave is worth it if you’re pugging or your group needs another AoE cc. (Fury takes Shockwave too)

Sure, it might be situational, but telling everybody they’re wrong just because rank 1 arms warriors don’t use it, (in premade groups, with comms and other classes who CC better, or avoiding DR stun durations) is cringe.

Why would you run Shockwave for +20 keys? I do not need Shockwave in my runs, the heavy DR and the stun immune mobs usually being the most dangerous prio targets makes it not required. In some setups you may not have stuns available, sure take shockwave, but you’re reducing your dps when your dps already sucks vs many classes that bring more dps and can still stun.

If you don’t need Shockwave on Fortified weeks at 25+ keys, you definitely don’t need it for your weekly 20, which makes what I said even more true. I don’t run Shockwave in my Arms build, seems bloody obvious to me.

You can pick Shockwave now without loosing too much DPS, and in general is worthy utility especially in pugs, interrupting some casts and abilties is a very powerful tool.

As for DPS loss, I do not care, we will never come close to current top specs anyway, so I may bring some utility along the way. It made my life easier in some runs, that is for sure.


Shockwave is just in the wrong spot in the tree. The base CD should be lowered and remove the ‘hit 3 targets’ follow on talent.

The other ‘Sonic Boom’ follow on talent could remain but me made a little more powerful as a sweetener for dps specs. Perhaps return the effect of doing more damage vs stun immune targets.

Juice warriors up. Stop making them weaker than the super magical fairy specs.

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