Can you implement the "respect players time" philosophy in Cata too?

I’m thinking the unlock transmog regardless of armor type you use primarily, reps/(true)account wide achievements etc.

If ninjalooting is a worry, make the transmog part effective only for quests and armor/weapons 1 expansion (wotlk) behind.

I don’t know, seems like no reason to except (artificially) boosting player metrics.


For starters personal loot doesn’t exist in Classic and I find this as a good measure although I complied with it being part of retail and Blizzard manipulating drop rates as they will.

Yes I have some mail and leather on my paladin bank that was removed from the game and I would love to have ability to add them to collection, however this is up to Bllizzard.

If transmog is that near and dear to you, you are lost anyways.

What a weird statement.
We play for different reasons, collecting transmogs is literally one of the top reasons people play.

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