Can you kindly fix Paladins Auras So they don't reset?

Hi Blizzard can you change so auras stays on all the time it’s annoying to have to press them each time you go inside a dungeon and un enter or leave group in a dungeon. Can you make so they keep staying on?

Thanks Kindly from Harry Potter.


Good one, also Torghast, I noticed last night halfway :smiley:


So like it was years before that.

I’ve got a lovely weak aura that lets me know if I don’t have an aura active. It’s a life saver

So difficult to press a button every now and then or keep track of what’s your current aura :smiley: But yeah, if it’s a bug they should fix it.

its not hard but i forgett that they are a thing now :stuck_out_tongue: in classic they at lest stays on when you enter a zone or dungeon or pvp

Aye, I’ve entered boreghast a couple of times now and got halfway into first floor wondering why I’m taking more damage than normal… look at aura bar… none active. Then seethe, while thinking what mfking retard at blizz thought I really wanted my aura turning OFF.
I see in dungeons or raids the oddity of 2 or more palas, then maybe just one aura, Prot normally, then have to nudge a fellow pala to turn their aura on.

Just do not get why it gets reset at all. If a player set their aura, leave it the f alone.


yeah so annoying that is :slight_smile:

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