Can you nerf Ruby (Vault explosives) Please

Purge them. You are the best equipped class in the game to do this. Instant and castable while moving.

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bit toony when you gotta keep dots up as well as trying to stay alive since Cinders hits for 70% your health while moving from swirls and dragons breath another reason why they take enchantment shamans tbf.

Oh come on. 1 GCD to murder and extremely dangerous add and you’re crying about keeping dots up?

Can you ever just take a piece of advice without throwing out some ultra lame excuse?

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not crying about dotting adds am cryin about this dungeon has ten million stuff happening at the same time as you trying to stay alive and it isnt fun.

They could remove the Shields from Primalist it doesn’t make sense for their revenge death vendetta.

Even with explosives sanguine Spiteful and swirls and breaths and interupts stuns and fears and trying to stay alive that ability is just pure bad designed.

Its 3 or 4 mob packs. Much complicated.

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that dungeon is ill designed Shadowlands dungeons didn’t have vendetta killers like that all the dungeons were better tuned.

for starters there was only one dungeon that was kind of bad and that was a boss in Sanguine Depths.

Untrue, yes Deja can be harsh but they have helped out other’s a lot just because he is brash and your view does meet his does not mean he is a troll.

You ask for far to many nerf’s most of which have been done already. Other’s can complete them maybe ask yourself questions about how you perform.

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Troll or not these 2 dungeons are not fun to run it feels like a chore, more than fun you feel tummy pain when your key gets made in to a vault or a Ruby because okay now the key is dead.

Too much swirls to much orbs to much breaths too much stuff happening at the same time and with you having to dps interrupt dispell heal pop defensives meanwhile trying to maintain dps and doge breaths nd swirls .

Feels not fun if compared to shadowlands with the affixes such as explosives and quaking these two lands on avoid zone when those affixes lingering.

They are fun, just you dislike them not surprising as you seem to pug a lot.

Some of the most boring dungeons ever and poorly designed , there is not one dungeon i miss from SL. Were as BFA and Legion offered better dungeons and atm so does DF too in my view.

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at this point they should just add a key reroll guy in valdrakken so you can run 8 20+ shadowmoon burial grounds

Compared to shadowlands any season this season lands on a big 1.5 out of 10

game feels like a chore and now you stuck since you landed with a vault or a ruby life key.

they could had made so you only need to run 18+ for the weekly 421 this is just very boring.

In your subjective view which you are allowed ofc , but SL dungeons in my view were rubbish all of them apart from Tazavesh.

I think only rubish one was the night fae maze part from that they were doable all of the on 20+ without swirls 24/7 and one shots lightning since you didn’t move to positive/negative guy guy.

Also reason why SL dungeons were doable we had blinks and such niches stuff that help some classes to be viable and now in DF some classes don’t have that due to poorly class designing by the dev team.

part from that i don’t think a dungeon before 2nd boss should feel like a you want to cry moment because your key is dead now becouse of one lousy mistake that was so minor.

these DF season 1 dungeons are utter garmabage compared TO CoS and HoV and Shadowmoon Burial grounds

I am not going to row with you as i will not try to change your mind, the dungeons are not bad and are fun but the major difference is i play in a set group of friends who chat through out the dungeon and work as a team.

just gonna leave this one here this expack became the 2nd worst one.
the dungeons are just very meh with swirls and swirls and did i forget swirls and now more swirls and nothing else besides swirls.

and occasionally a breath and stuff on floor literally all the season 1 dungeons are very boring only thing saving season 1 is Shadowmoon burial grounds HOV and Nohuk.

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You know why the numbers are low? its because of China no longer being able to play it as from today. And if you believe that site then my view of you being a poster of serious intent to one of clutching at straw’s to post a negative unwarranted vibe.

because the game is not good anymore and blizzard don’t make anything besides swirls in their dungeons :stuck_out_tongue:

their effort is like not there.

Cant blame china for leaving.

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Okay last post to you and i hope you have a good pleasent night, the game is good better then it has been for a couple expacs now you are just throwing a tantrum as the game is not suited to you.
Repeating about swirls and things on the floor is pointless its been there since 2005 one way or another just adpat anyway good night :slight_smile:

They didnt have the choice.

i think their choice was a flawless one.

You can make the same one and quit , but as i said night :slight_smile:

now blizzard will be forced to work for something better.

hoping season 2 is not a swirl, breath moving ability bring back dps affixes we had in SL

Gn bud