Can you nerf Ruby (Vault explosives) Please

I’ve already told you how to deal with some of the things in Ruby, but your response was “But my dots”.

Quite frankly, that dungeon should feel terrible for you, as not purging something that will kill people is no different than not interrupting something that will kill people.

It’s entirely on you if you refuse to do the mechanics, and your silly excuse of “This wasn’t a mechanic in previous expansions” doesn’t hold water… maybe the exact mechanic wasn’t a thing, but we’ve still been purging shields and buffs on mobs for years now. You refusing to do so because of your dot uptime is a you issue.

This is why people like me never gets anywhere white knights, defending overturned dungeons and decliners on 20+ dungeons ive done yet they only take 2700 rated people, this season is worst season of m+ ive yet to play.

You never get anywhere because you refuse to listen. I mean, you’re calling a person telling you to purge a whiteknight. What the actual hell?

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Just dispel it!

Telling you how to do mechanics, and how to beat them is “white knighting” in your mind?

And you can say RLP is overtuned as much as you want, it’s still objectivly one of the easier dungeons after the nerfs that came out before your post.

You cant tell him that, that means you’re white knighting and a bliz shill…

Not wanting to wade into the rest of this post. Final boss on tyrannical still does frankly cruel levels of damage with flamespit. Rest of the key is fine, but the last boss scales out of control a lot faster than other mythic+ bosses as key level increases.

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