Can you play Alliance for the War within?


I’ve heard for years that the alliance raid/M+ Population is much smaller than horde and it’s almost impossible to play the game.

But None of the horde races look good to me any more, Wondering if my character would be locked out of end game if one were to go alliance.

Doesnt matter what you play now everything is basically cross faction and realm so play what you want.

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When it comes to raiding, both Horde & Alliance are able to be in the same raid together now. The Alliance population is pretty much fine! Sure it’s not as big as Horde, but it’s not at a point, where there are no Alliance around.

I would say, from a guess, the game is maybe 60% Horde and 40% Alliance.

Silvermoon is the largest Alliance server, so if you want to make a character, you can go there. But also the game is cross realm as well, so you will see other players from different servers, in the phase that you will be in for example. So the game is never really empty.

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PuG content is mixed faction as are guilds. Play whatever you prefer. Guilds are even cross realm now.

Guys you dont understand!

He heard!

THEY told him!

Well, That’s very nice then.

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Not a thing anymore like others have said but it was never really true before the changes anyway. “impossible” was non-sense. Took a little longer to form groups during “off-peak” hours, sure, but not impossible or even difficult.

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