Can you skip Bastion

If so how do you, or do you have to do it on all Alts.

Its hard going, in fact I cant get bring myself to get past 2nd quest.

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You can skip almost the whole campaign with your alts if your main has completed it.

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Does that mean I have to do every quest on Bastion before moving forward. Because I think I’ll take a break until my mind is into it.

With your main I think so, yes. Give it a try or a short break if you must. Imo the questline was fine. It explained a bit of stuff that is happening, too.

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You can skip Bastion altogether using the ‘Threads of Fate’ option that is offered to you on all alts upon entering Oribos for the first time.

However - You MUST finish the whole campaign of Shadowlands, Pick your Covenant & complete Chapter 1 of your Covenant Campaign for that option to be available to you.


Very good summary. :+1:t2:

I was hoping I could skip Bastion on main until Ive done the other three.

You do not need to do ALL quests in Bastion - simply the Main Story, that being all quests with the ‘Shield’ banner/icon on them.

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Oh thanks, wondered what they were :laughing:

Yeah it’s fine to skip the side quests if you don’t like them.
I do recommend doing some of them in zones you DO enjoy, because I don’t think you’ll hit 60 if you only do the main story questline.

I sympathize. I’d be much further along right now but Bastion was very much something I had to force myself through.

From my understanding, you can choose which zones you wish to do on an alt after finishing the story on at least one character.

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you dont need to do bastion, thanks to the threads of whateve

i forgot the name

anyways, you can on your alt entirely avoid interacting with bastion

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“Can’t bring myself to get past the 2nd quest” in the most beautiful and best zone of SL.

Literal Y I K E S. Cringe worthy.

Just goes to show…different strokes for different folks.
I loved Bastion and was upset to find I couldn’t do all the quests until I hit 60. I explored the heck out of that place though!

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To be fair it’s an entirely subjective personal experience but this was my take on Bastion;

“Imagine a terrifying hell-scape where generic blue people indoctrinate souls of the dead and warp them into uninteresting winged humanoids, stripping them of all uniqueness and interest. Imagine the unending samey looking landscape where every tree looks the same and the sky never changes. Imagine… being followed around or constantly visually assaulted by cute looking owl people over and over… and over like some kind of bizzaro Disney Movie.”

All I know is, for me, Bastion would be my idea of mundane and stagnated hell. The actual story hook/theme of the zone is pretty interesting, but I’ve potentially never been so bored by a zone in my entire life.

Everything afterwards is a drastic and welcome improvement.

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I did go on to do Bastion :unicorn: :unicorn: & skipped most of it, I think I missed the Intro or short cinematic explaining it, BUT it was interesting by the end !! I got to Maldraxxus & there was a cinematic at the beginning. Ill go back at the end & start & finish Bastion & all the other million quests to do. I like Maldraxxus so far :))

Says someone from AD. How ironic.

I had the same problem as OP has i just forced my self through Bastion the theme of the place is something that i have zero interest at all and the zone is way too bright to a point i can’t play in there more than 20 minutes before i need a break.

Other zones i had no problem at all they are all fun.

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