Can you stop putting queue on Living Flame EU please?

yesterday there was a queue on the server, and you proved that you could flip a switch and remove it.

can you flip the switch again, and this time, NOT FLIP IT BACK OFF?

Thanks, get to work, we have raid in 30 minutes.

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agreed. this is not cool :frowning:

Position in queue 3479
Estimated time 67 minutes
Raid start in 12 minutes

YAY! LET US MOVE OFF! Open LF TO WG transfers!

alright, raid was supposed to start 16 minutes ago, and the queue continues to grow.

i expect compensation when blizzard CS decides to stop sitting on their collective thumbs and actually gets this fixed.

had to postpone raid till 21:00 and people are NOT happy.
thanks for creating a proverbial PR nightmare for me.
really appreciate it.

Open up transfers to Wild Growth for people that want it to reduce the queue

btw raid cancelled.
thanks blizzard.

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If people that wanted to migrate off Living Flame to Wild Growth were allowed, then Zmug wouldn’t have to cancel his raid.

Yet he works against his own benefit.

Imagine going to wild growth and just log for 2 hours every week for raid cuz 0 stuff to do otherwise. Berny does not approve.

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