Cancellin' me sub

I thought I saw how their leader - Tyralion was pissed at Illidan for that.
Is there a riot among lighforged hoofbabes?

Tell us :face_with_monocle:

Followers of the light even. Take of it what you will. Shes wielding the light. Shes “executing the lights will” and the light seems completely fine with it. He will betray his light devotion and kill her.

Not everyone can be as fanatic as him. Alas he already betrayed his believes on another level. Namely siding with his wife. The wife that literally wields the power source he swore to fight against.

I love how it turned into a debate btw.

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You shouldn’t play WoW if You don’t care about such thing, lol.

This is 100% true! #FORSAKENMASTER-RACE.

Technically yes, however they shows in what would any army of light would evolve if left unchecked.

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Well, good luck and have nice life I guess :wave:!

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Please do enlighten me as to why?

The Faction War has never been the main driving storyline for the game world. It always turns back to “World ending threat, fight it!”.


I miss Khadgar too!!!

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Can I receive your ingame currency?

His jokes were SO BAD tha Cordana turned to legion.How bad one can joke?

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If You need to ask, You’re not true WoW fan, boi.

No wonder You play this meme race then…

Ooooh, I’m not a true fan… Mm’kay…

Just out of curiosity, how old are you?

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