Cannot buy gametime through Ideal anymore?

Hiya, sincerest apologies if this has been asked, mentioned or handled, but can someone confirm I cannot buy Wow Gametime through Ideal payments any more?
Thought I’d be clever and upgrade my Blizzard balance, but I apparently cannot use that either.

Darn it Blizz, I wanna continue my adventures!
I’ll pay up if yall can accommodate me.

I see the iDeal payment method when clicking add balance, also when buying gametime.

What is exactly the error you’re seeing? Or does the payment method just simply not appear? Could be related to not registering your country properly for payment methods.

Subscription can only be bought with Credit/Debit Cards and PayPal, and for some countries like the Netherlands with Direct Debit.

Other eligible payment methods (including iDeal) can be used for other stuff on the shop (including Game Time).

I believe the reason is that subscriptions are recurring payments and such require a payment method that wouldn’t get in the way like requiring your approval every time (not sure I get what iDeal is just did a short google search to get the gist of it).

So if you prefer not to switch a payment method then you can only buy game time which is non recurring.