Cannot get adventure guide on my Evoker

Seems to me i have to get the early quest chain’s last part done. Q log says 6/7 But it doesn’t tell me where to get next quest. it’s just empty. I checked wowhead and found the npc on the quest i should get, but the npc has no quest.

The chain says 6/7 btw with nothing in it. And my char i have already lvled to 80 by now so this is extremly frustrating trying to find out what dungeons to do.
Tried to make a ticket but the gm responded when i wasn’t there ofc due to the insanly high respons time. When i wanted to check the respons the UI for the ticket respons was bugged out and only showed me wierd colours. Anyone know a fix to this issue?

(Btw it’s not a ui bug on the Adventure guide) It clearly is greyed out with red text not avaliable yet. hens why i am frustrated over this initial q chain being bugged, wich also why i went on from it and just lvled to 80 hoping it would be fixed but noo.)

You need to to quest with Wrathion/Ebyssian in your capital and unlock visage, that should be around where the Evoker starting zone counts as complete. There’s a chance it’s bugged though.

It is bugged like i said in the post, that’s the 6/7 i am refering to and the npc has no q. ALso the q log is bugged out. Update for anyone else reading btw.

I mannaged to read the gm report. was usual delete all addons cache wtf whatever did all that and nothing. So basicly they just said we know it sucks but we can’t fix it.

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