Cannot interact with Kalecgos at Azure Archive


I completed entire Azure span storyline and I can see quest mark above Kalecgos’ head in the Azure Archive but I cannot interact with him. The quest window does not show up at all. Anyone had this issue, is there a quick fix for that?

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May not be the same problem but just a suggestion…

I’ve had quite a few times where i can’t interact with quest NPC’s. I can click on them and hear the sound but the quest pane does not come up.

What usually works for me is to move away from the NPC until eventually you hear a sound, like the quest pane closing. Then when i try the NPC again it usually works. Sometimes i have to actually log out and back in again.

It seems the pane is actually opening but for some reason you can’t see it so every time you try interact with the NPC your just refreshing the invisible pane and it appears as if nothing is happening.

So i’ve just done the Azure span storyline myself and i’ve ran into this exact problem. It’s like i described above but nothing seems to work to get to talk to him. When i click him he does his movement and speaks but then nothing happens.

EDIT: I found a solution on WoWHead… just fly to Valdrakken and the quest will auto pop up for you as you get there.


Yes exact same issue here. I wonder if this is because of the Blue Dragons will arrive in X days above his head. Glad I’m not the only one.

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Hi all,

Ráevelyn - I tried relogging, hearthstoning, walking away and dying and nothing worked :smiley: But yea, after I posted this topic here I just went to Valdrakken and as I entered the area I got quest immediately so no issues anymore.

Britneys - yea I think it probably was working before but it might broke after recent update and like you said it’s probably related to this “Blue dragonflight arrive in X days” timer above Kalecgos head.

i got the same problem.

same problem over here

Same problem. Took a break from doing the quests in Booty Bay, Winterspring etc. When I logged on again, nothing. Cannot interact with any of the npc’s. Kalec is just looking at me with those god*amn blue eyes…

@Acirnemorwen Have you tried to fly into Valdraken? The quest should just automatically pop up as you enter so you don’t need to talk to him. (and the quest he should give is to go there anyway).

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