Hey all,
Could you all please reply with the following information, so we can have this looked into:
■ Date/time you first experienced the issue :
■ City and country you are connecting from :
■ ISP (Internet Service Provider you use) :
■ Traceroute (created while experiencing the issue) :
■ Pathping (created while experiencing the issue) :
■ WinMTR test (created while experiencing the issue) :
If you are not able to go through the links above, please follow the below steps to run a WinMTR:
- Download WinMTR from the project’s site.
- Extract the contents of the .zip file to your desktop.
- Open the WinMTR folder, then open the folder that matches your version of Windows (32-bit or 64-bit) and run WinMTR.exe.
- Enter the IP address you want to test in the Host field. Run a WinMTR test to each of the following IPs: - -
- Click Start , then launch the game you’re testing. If no connection issue is found in the first 5 minutes, restart the test.
- When a connection error occurs, play for at least 5 more minutes, then click Stop in WinMTR.
- Click " Export Text " and save the .txt file to your desktop. Name this file WinMTR.
- Post the contents of your WinMTR.txt in your reply here, highlight the text in your response and press the </> button or place the details between `` to make the text
Preformatted text
Have a few seconds to spare? Let me know how I’m doing!