Cannot realm transfer?


I am trying to transfer from lone wolf to wild growth, but after putting wild growth into the target box on where to transfer too, nothing appears, nothing happens? I’ve tried all the realm names too, and nothing is popping up?

It’s like that for us all, until they re-open the transferwindow

Yeah this kinda sucks if guilds and group of friends want to transfer…

Did they announce before the transfer window was open or it just activated? What time was it open?

Someone said between 23:00 and 00:30 last night. dont know if it will be same today

Why would they open it 23:30 on the EU realms when EU people are mostly sleeping in that time-frame? Who is in charge of this total mess?

Probably a guy living in the US :joy:

You snooze you lose is how blizzard rolls, Make sure you are rdy thf second they turn it back on

Aka don’t play the game at all and stare at loading screen whole day in the hopes you get in that window.

That’s the ones we give our money to :joy:

Very sorry to here it. Nooot

It appeared in shop in character login screen but i choose character, type destination realm and continue button is all time grey. why?

reading the thread is hard