Cannot transmogrify Grand Marshal's Longsword

I bought a Grand Marshal’s Longsword in Stormwind, equipped it yet I cannot transmog it. Any ideas?

Whenever I made a ticket about it, it just disappeared…

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I guess you are not worthy of the blade. :man_shrugging:

you can only mog the replica Grand marshal gear, which you can buy if you reach 1800 rating in Rated Battlegrounds.

I was able to buy it but I never got past 1365… Why would I be able to buy it but not xmog it?

the version that you can mog is only acessible in area 52 after you get 1800 cr in any of the 2v2,3v3,or rated battlegrounds.

That was locked but the item in Stormwind was not. I thought it was just like any regular legacy pvp item - just cosmetic…

Ah, I see your confusion now. Yes the other replies are correct.

What you bought is the original version of the weapon which you can not use as a transmog. However, there is another version of the same weapon, which exists for all Vanilla PvP Weapons btw, which are basicly Replica [insert name of the weapon]. And yes, those are only obtainable through an NPC in Area 52 after you reach 1800 rating. So, keep grinding rating and eventually you’ll be able to buy the proper transmog.

only rated battlegrounds actually.


Thank you everyone

I hope Blizzard makes it clear you cannot use the original PvP weapons for transmog so this does not happen to others

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