Cannot use materials from Warband Bank when doing crafting orders

I know this is an unintended glitch, because you can use materials from WB bank when in an ordinary crafting tab, but you cannot when doing crafting orders, that makes no sense from a design view point.

To someone not concerned with crafting orders this may not seem a big deal, but for those of us who do crafting orders regularly, this is a HUUGE deal, you either have to run back to your bank all the time to pick missing mats or you ignore WB bank all together and keep it in your reagent bank and then when you need materials from your other alt, you have to relog, absolutely unnecessary timewaste.

I know there have already been topics on this done before (although in other sections), I raise it here, because this is easily the most important feature of WB bank to any crafter and it is not working. And it’s technical problem.

Dear Blizzard, can you fix it as soon as possible? If this is technically complex problem to solve, at least let us know how long it will take.

Thank you very much for your attention.

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nothing yet done about this?

Amen! Please make it possible to do orders from Warband bank.

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