Since all classes get new cool abilities, a lot of changes or massive reworks I cannot wait for all the new and cool stuff warriors will get in 10.1.5 Ok, let’s see
All ability damage increased by 6%
Since all classes get new cool abilities, a lot of changes or massive reworks I cannot wait for all the new and cool stuff warriors will get in 10.1.5 Ok, let’s see
All ability damage increased by 6%
Hahaah lmao.
I don’t believe we gonna receive anything extreme in this expansion.
But fury and arms need a rework for the next expansion for sure.
Also #remove_spear_of_bastion
Warrior is generally speaking in a really good spot. Good performance, all specs got a decent rotational feel and all are viable to bring to all but the outliers of content cheeze. So there is very little to change - at least no actual need for a full rework like retribution and mages.
What I would like to see, is that talent nodes that are 100% useless got some love, so they could be brought. If the problem is that if they got buffed, they would outperform all other talents somehow - then nerf the popular talents to get more back in line; then bring up over-all warrior damage to compensate.
Fury: Make it so OF is the better AoE button than the ST button OS, cause that dongbeetledung makes no sense. You rather bring OF and OS (no nodes), than to bring OF with nodes. Note: You do bring OS with nodes, and it performs better or equal to OF (OF is weaker than a node!)
Protection: Still broken talents, even the cheat-death keeps proccing based on incoming damage, not damage actually taken (so it pops randomly on hits that was already safe after mitigation).
Arms: As they say, it is what it is - and it ain’t completely dead, yet.
So other than bugfixes and number tuneing, it seems to be in a decent spot. They probably don’t want to tune numbers in fear of breaking the fact warrior is currently in a really well balanced spot when compared to the other classes.
So, we are stuck with dead talents that would probably be fun to play around with. It simply is just no point - as one synergy line is always clearly the only correct path for all content.
We don’t get invited into M+ runs. We bring no utility. We need a utility buff to get invited more often
I was seriously hoping to get a utility buff… blizzard is so clueless for warriors
Sad but true. They did nothing to us…
better to get night fae ancient aftershock back than that sh1t of spear lol
I would prefer the necrolord banner.
But to be honest I would like all shadowlands abilities to not be in the talent trees from now on.
Let shadowlands just be erased forever
dont forget from venthyr only animation for execute not spell tho what they gave us hah
I think Protection warriors speaking from experience in later keys need a slight change to compete with other tanks - Utility wise we do bring things to the table if played correctly however our survivability in later keys is sorely lacking. I would say change the shield block to cost no rage so that we can spend that rage only on the absorb would make protection warriors more competitive. I think that its probably the only ability they can change that wont be to broken for every other aspect of the game. Right now we are not even close to competing with blood/feral/monk/Demon hunter tanks in regards to survivability I think dps wise we are competitive if played correctly at my warrior is xD.
All tanks currently have insane self healing warrior on the other hand have impending and that is on a 30 sec CD with a reset when you kill something vs every other tank with either proactive healing or short cd’s on self heals. I think if impending was down to a 5 second CD this would be broken in pvp hence why I mention only changing shield block.
Utility wise for dps I personally think the only thing really stopping warriors from joining groups are that the affixes require certain classes this can be change quite easily if they just make affixes personal so that it relates to your class. and low keys don’t really count for much in terms of setup but once you go higher you really want to have the “meta setup” as this makes things far easier and doable. Players will always choose the path of least resistance.
Fury atm needs nothing only few spear changes and the avatar reck interaction, overall we are good
Cannot wait for all the cool stuff warriors get in 10.1.7!
Warrior is boring and ugly, pls.
I miss the legion days of fury…
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