Can't access Crafting Orders

They need to post something, NEVER is there any reason to not communicate why a feature in a product is unavailable to paying customers. Back to Call of Duty boys!

Still down…some feedback would be nice…

Yeah - seems to have gone down around 14 hours ago on all servers.

The fact there is no update or even acknowledgement from Blizzard on this is pretty bad… guess they’ve all gone home for Christmas?

Can we get a fix please?

It’s fixed, can access it now.

Those guys are neither the devs, nor the poor engineer who’s currently on standby trying to sort out this mess without dragging others away from their families.

The amount of entitled kids here is crazy.

Its the holiday weekend. Yes its a billion dollar company but with real humans for crying out loud.

You want them to hold their employees hostage so you can get your mats back or make some gold?

I agree some information wouldve been nice but iam sure it was something gamebreaking and they probably think or thought it wouldve been solved fast.

Have some patience and respect and stop acting like damn Karens over a game…

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I guess all it took was a press of a button as its been fixed xD

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Lmao, i get your point. its not about being a karen or having patience. But you realise if you keep accepting major issues and just let it slide cause of having “Patience” The problem will never be fixed. And i highly doubt the bug was that much of problem since its fixed now.

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orders are back!!!

Can confirm, working for me now again. Thank you Blizz support for the escalation, appreciate you all!

Working as intended. ty for fix

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Edit2: Bug came back and then got fixed again hmmmm.

Thanks everyone for confirming that the issue seems to be fixed now, appreciate your patience, and have a happy holiday. :christmas_tree:


it’s actually broken again

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Hahahahahahha i was just about to write. Its actually broken again, Thank god i got my piece before xD GL PEOPLE

Noticed it has just gone down again…

I understand that you are the face of the forum and you get flak but surely you can understand that frustration us players have when something that have been spoken of in such regards by the higher ups as a great way to craft etc and it doesnt work. All it tells us is that the developers haven’t really done a good job but gone with the philosphy of ship the broken content and we will fix it later.

Ask the developers if they would buy a car with three wheels and not complain.

Not working on my end
Edit : 2 min after posting it is working, I hope for good !

Anddddd it’s disabled again