Can't access Crafting Orders

I am unable to access the Crafting Orders by talking to the npc’s in Valdrakken.
I am receiving the following message:
“The Artisan’s Consortium is not accepting crafting orders at the moment. Please come back later!”

This is happening on all of my characters and that was not the case yesterday.


Same, really annoying as I just placed one 30 mins before, switched character to place a few more and it suddenly didn’t work anymore. Not being able to progress because of this happening for hours is not ok imo and I’d at least like an explanation as to why it’s happening

Same here need it for profession quest to use between alts, maybe they are performing some kind of live maintenance on it who knows or its just broken

Yep, same here. Can’t access them on multiple characters. I wonder if there is any reason for that? Couldn’t find anything.

I have the same problem

same problem

Same problem, fix it so i can make more Lariats. thanks =)

exactly the same! from long time! Blizzard what is going on - quest cannot be done, gifts received, it not works not just to alts - global problem. EXPECT VERY SERIOUS COMPENSATION IN EMAIL GAME WITH ALL REWARDS FOR THE LOST TIME INCLUDED! We pay for this so what is this?! break time? dinner time? are you serious? so remove prepaid in-game!

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Same issue, order crafting system is down

Still down

Same problem here… Really annoying as hell…

I have the same problem. It was working fine before midnight on the 21st of December. Sometime between then and 02:30 on 22nd of December it stopped working.

Just logged in and checked and it’s still a problem for me as well.

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Used the wrong character on that reply, not typing the same message twice.

when is this getting fixed??!!!

Same problem on Drak’Thul server

Same for me, on Twisting Nether EU

Same here :frowning: Not working at all

Blizz - Any chance of a fix? I’ve got money to be making on crafting tables!

Same issue on Kazzak

Bugs happen we get it but it’s the constant lack of information that’s most annoying.