Can't change name on 'account creation'

I’m trying to get to my account settings, but every time I click on it, it comes up with the ‘account creation’ screen that requires me to enter my full name. Unfortunately, I literally cannot. I can type in my surname but the box for my first name is greyed out and I can’t type anything in. When I try to hit ‘continue’, it keeps telling me my name is too short. Has anyone else had this problem?

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My first name is down as three characters so I’m not sure what short is.

I would guess a ticket would be the way to fix this.

I just had my initials down previously (I haven’t logged in for a while). I’ve submitted a ticket, thanks for the tip :slight_smile:

You may need to supply a photo some ID to show it’s your account to change it.

Hey Adrynos!

It looks like your ticket was handled at least partially and your main concern should now be taken care of. If you’d like further assistance with the name update in question, you will need our Support Team as you will not be able to fully update the registered name yourself. In that case please reopen the ticket, make very clear you’re also looking to update your registered name from the partial to a full name and at the very least provide some ownership verification like your Secret Answer. A copy of ID isn’t needed per se, but it may be requested if you cannot confirm your ownership in other ways.

Best of luck!