Can't click SecureActionButtons on the Steam Deck

I have been trying to learn the Wow API and made a lua file to test the SecureActionButtonTemplate. I set Healing Surge on my shaman to a button’s attributes and it worked perfectly fine on my Windows PC. Yet on my Steam Deck, nothing happens. There is no error pop up, only silence. Have tried both with all other addons turned off as well to test for taint.

SABTest = CreateFrame("Button", "SABTest", UIParent, "SecureActionButtonTemplate,UIPanelButtonTemplate")
SABTest:SetPoint("CENTER", -150, 25)
SABTest:SetAttribute("type", "spell")
SABTest:SetAttribute("spell", "Healing Surge")
SABTest:SetAttribute("unit", "player")

This is the entirety of the .lua file. I have no idea why this is happening, I thought maybe it was because of a setting on Wow on my Steam deck that prevented clicking addon buttons or something, but all other buttons and functions work, the only problem is with the SecureActionButton.
I have also checked with GetAttribute and all attributes on the deck seem to have been set properly, It’s just when it comes to clicking the thing.

Register both up and down. Depending on your ActionButtonUseKeyDown CVar it’ll need one or the other.

SABTest:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp, AnyDown")

More info:

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You made me a very happy octopus-man <3

Edit: It is interesting how my pc and steam deck ended up having different cvar values

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