Can't complete quest to rescue Baine as Veng. DH

Absolutely romped through the floors to get to the boss; died ten times at least trying to kill him (a few months back, this was). Shackles me constantly, then three-shots me unless I burn all my cooldowns. Never got within a third of his health bar of killing him. Not what I expected from a class that could solo R’khuzj the Unfathomable.

Okay, I thought. I’m fresh from the campaign, no dungeons, ILVL145 - I’ll go pump some iron and try again.

Meanwhile, for a change of pace, I switched to my demo lock and ran through the non-story-mode levelling to 60. Got the quest to get into Torghast with ILVL 130. Again, romped through, got to the boss - trivial fight. There were tougher elites wandering outside the House of the Chosen.

What gives?

Wtf vengeance is good in thorgast are you even using abilities

I know! Like I said: I’d previously soloed R’khuzj the Unfathomable pre stat-squish; I’m not the best player but I have some idea what I’m doing to stay alive and do damage.

Torghast up to that boss was incredibly easy. The boss, though, seemed impossible: chain shackles and stuns so I couldn’t dodge or generate frags, and three or four hits to kill me. Fiery brand and Fel Devastation (triggering Meta) would stop me dying instantly, then Metamorphosis would give me another few seconds, but I wouldn’t even have him at half health before I ran out of cooldowns and just died. I tried over and over and over again and it was never even close.

I can only assume they’ve tweaked things since then, because I went in yesterday, super rusty after not playing Veng DH for a few months, and easily beat him first try. Didn’t have to fire off Meta, forgot Fiery Brand and Demon Spikes even existed. So… yay?

It was probably a case of different anima powers. VDH generally does best if you stack (the right) powers that increase dps. Without that, we can get in trouble if bosses have stacking buffs (or debuffs on us) that get too powerful if the fight goes on too long.

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