I am currently experiencing problems with my wow voice chat server.
Ingame I get the message: “Can’t connect to a voice chat server right now. Please try again.”
I have already setup port forwarding on my router and even tried disabling my firewalls to see if there is a problem there. Unfortunately the wowvoiceproxy still times out on connecting. Since I find the following in the log file of the wowvoiceproxy:
1/11 22:52:17.428 Voice Log Initialize.
1/11 22:52:17.428 VoiceProxy attempting to listen on
1/11 22:52:30.004 VoiceProxy timeout.
1/11 22:52:30.004 VoiceProxy shutdown requested.
1/11 22:52:35.008 Voice Log Destroy.
I have also tried deleting the wowvoiceproxy so the client would download it again, however no succes there.
Appreciate the help.