Can't decide on a main, and this is why

I prefer casters like mages and spriests but I play melee classes like paladins and warriors much better and more effectively, I have more fun playing my spriest but I just get much more frustrated at the same time when I play it, especially when I want to dabble in pvp. I suck so bad when playing casters and get too frustrated and log my ret paladin and just do much, much better and it feels so refreshing and I find myself constantly switching between the two.

I know this just seems silly but it’s how I feel and I’m not sure if it’s worth / forcing myself to play my caster when I have a much easier time on my melee character but it’s just making me not want to play the game.

It sounds like you need a new game with different classes no offence.

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Just practice in regards to pvp. I mean ret palas have always been quite a low skill cap/faceroll to get decent to good results.

Casters I feel take a bit more skill and concentration level as you have to take into consideration your positioning as a major factor.

I think you need to just pick a caster and grin and bear the hard times and think of it as a learning curve. You will get better. Will it be as easy and relaxing as playing a ret pala? Nope but if you put in the effort I’m sure you will see the rewards in your performances.

Go warlock

Their game style is to cast and take a punch to the face constantly.

Something you don’t get as much as say, a mage, who gets hit once and goes away crying like Hero Boy from Freakazoid.

Don’t play a class just because you believe you have to, this will never ever work, believe me. I did this and it killed all the fun for me. Play whatever class you enjoy the most :slight_smile: If a warrior is currently the character you enjoy the most, then play a Warrior.


Gnome Monk.

Don’t think. Just do it.

It’s because of your play style and mindset.

Go play the SPriest, if you get frustrated either look at what you’re doing poor or wrong and fix it. Or log off for a bit and come back with a fresh head.

You will always yield better results as melee as they have more room for error.
Paladins have a tendency for being easy to play, but ultimately hard to master - so Is any class in the reality of it.

If I was you I would stick to the class you enjoy the most regardless of if you perform better on another. You will enjoy the game more and it will be far more rewarding once you start to perform just as good or better than the others.

I done this for years and the rerolling never stopped. I enjoy four classes in WoW however my favourite are Paladin/Warlock. I have to break back into the lock every time I switch over.

It depends in what you wanna do in game.

Just wanna have fun? Pick what you like most, even if you are not very good at it!

Wanna be the very best, like no one ever was? Then try to have fun with the pala over there.

My advice is, always go with the fun one. You can always improve with it, and having a good time with something guarantee that.

You prefer playing casters but you also enjoy melee? The answer is clear: Unholy DK’s. I find them to be a really fun hybrid class. They’re melee but their dot deals a lot of damage, so you also have the dot aspect of the SPriest included.

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