Can't Delete your own threads now? well that sucks, guess this'll stay it's title then. Thread not used anymore

You know what I meant.

Just because I don’t agree with you doesn’t make me a troll.

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“You don’t get to tell me what to do.” entitlement Riiight there. Your words, not mine. Has nothing to do with agreeing or disagreeing.

Irregardless, There seems to be a big problem with getting into groups/guilds. By this point in time, most of those have already become a tight-knit group of people. Nigh-on impossible to get into that group, the feeling of being an outsider will always stay it feels like. And that sucks, as there is no way to fix this.

It’s not entitlement to tell you that you don’t get to tell me what to do. You have no authority here.
Theres only a big problem because you won’t put in the effort. You just don’t want to hear that so you’re getting annoyed at me.

We’ll have to agree to disagree then. This could go on endlessly, but i’ll choose the high path and report you, and move on. :stuck_out_tongue:

Report me for what? Disagreeing with you? Thats the high road?

You’ve not completed the war campaign, there’s several regions that you’ve not fully explored/completed quests in, you’ve not gotten your part one of pathfinding, which is the first part of getting flying unlocked, you’ve not done the battle for darkshore, there’s a bunch of island expeditions you’ve not done yet … and this is before we get into all the other group content you could do.

I suspect what you’re actually saying is “persuade me to keep playing, because I can’t be bothered to”.

If you don’t want to play any more … don’t play. Don’t claim you no longer have anything to do, and don’t blame it on other people. You have been provided the framework to entertain yourself in game … but if you can’t do that, then that’s down to you, not the game.

Reminds me of when I was a kid and I said I was bored in the school holidays … my mum would always empty the cupboard in my room and tell me to tidy it out then, if I had nothing to do. I soon learned to find something to do, without complaining about it :stuck_out_tongue:


Most of this stuff i’ve already done on my alliance main. Getting continiously declined for Mythic+, which is essentially the only endgame achievable, and getting no loot from LFR except for the vendortrash ‘breath of bwonsamdi’ is very demoralizing. And yes, i Will claim i have little to do that actually feel is worth it. I will have to disagree with you then, i disagree that it’s not the game. As i stated earlier, i’m sick to death of world quests. i only do them now to unlock kul’tiran humans. The grind to get all those reps to revered takes ages and isn’t exacltly fun to me. :\

Also, that not what i’m saying at all. Will have to disagree there as well.
Truth be told, i think having a guild where i feel at home would help tons.

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your ilvl is lower than regular m0s drops, ofc noone will take you to m+
my war that i dinged 2 days ago has your same ilvl, do some warfronts and lfr


Yet a lot of the stuff I mentioned would show in your achievements for that character, even if it were done on another character … unless it’s on a different account of course. Assuming it’s not … then my comments still stand.

I do agree that being in a guild (or a community) makes a big difference. You have people around you that when you’re stuck, or you just can’t decide what to do, they can give suggestions. They can potentially even group up and do dungeons, etc, with you.

But don’t join a guild and expect everyone to drop everything to come and do something with you the instant you ask. Other people DO have stuff to do, and enjoy other aspects of the game, not just dungeons.

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Can’t raid or do m+ because you are a DPS?

Bwhahahahhaha! I have pugged every single M+10 and curve I have… As dps

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