Can't Delete your own threads now? well that sucks, guess this'll stay it's title then. Thread not used anymore

Emissaries give 355 items sadly. Not really an upgrade i’m afraid…and i can’t do LFR yet i believe? also, thats an incredibly low chance of drops…didn’t get any upgrade last time i tried :frowning:

Who knows :rofl:

I just remember it being ment negative (but not the poster), although I agree on the part of being a glorified chatrrom… It is a huge chatroom with a lot to do in between the conversation :yum:

Emissaries give up to 385s.

The reward level depends on your own item level. The reward for World Quests also depends on your item level.

Invasions give (up to?) 370.

Arathi Warfront, when up, gives one 370 item. Darkshore, when up, gives one 400 and unlimited 355s. Darkshore World Boss can drop a 400.

Battle of Dazar’alor LFR requires you to have 355 ilevel, AFAIK, so you’re not that far off from entering it.

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The main problem i have…is that when i get to like…370 or so ilvl…what then? Nobody will want me in M+ Because i’m a dps and raiding is a myth since you need achievements/rediculoualy high ilvl to join.

Making my own groups isn’t something i’m a fan of. Raidingwise i’ll probably never ever make a group again, the stress coming from that is not something i want…and getting people together to do a mythic+0…i tried. Only a few dps applied, never found a healer…never found a tank.

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Well then, please consider the community that Warmother founded, and linked above.

Read the thread:

Choose your Guild/Communities panel, Join Community and give it the code


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Sadly it doesn’t seem to work. It says the link invite is expired? :frowning:

play a better game? :joy:

Yeah, seems so.

Have a look at

and whisp one of those people, or post in the thread.

If your friends aren’t finding 30 minutes a day to do a low-mid M+ with you, they suck as friends.

Check the forum for community recruitment. Pretty sure there’s a horde-side option for Calmer Keystones; chat a bit and form dungeon groups the old fashioned way :slight_smile:

Also guilds are not for RP! Guilds are for the best part of WoW; talking to other players while you play, and having a consistent group of people around you. Take them seriously, because there are many advantages to a good guild, groups being one, shorter hearthstone times and more heirlooms being some others.

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I’ll write you a small guide mate

  1. Get your ilvl to a minimum of 370 by doing M0 or LFR. Don’t be afraid of “failing” the run, you can simply make another, although it should never be the case normally.

  2. When you reach the 370 dream you should start focusing on pushing said key to around +2-4 for the ilvl 380-385.

  3. At ilvl 380-385 and with a few M+ clears you’ll now start looking appealing to people, as they can track your progress through raider IO.
    You can now focus on normal raiding, which will be essential to joining more rewarding content.

  4. Clear all the bosses on normal (9/9N completion), and only then should you start working on heroic.
    Do M+ on the sideline to increase ilvl.

Join a guild/community and get them to help you

Edit: Also, there are 3 spots for DPS in M+ and roughly 14 in raiding, so I guarantee you that people are interested in DPS players :slight_smile:

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Reroll dh.

Well one of the main issues is that your a warlock. Warlocks are not exactly popular in mythic+ outside of Demo with 2 Explosive Potential traits, but that is getting nerfed the comming patch. So if you want to mythic+ with a warlock you need to really really step up your game :smiley:. Like a lot of ppl have said u need to pump up that itm lvl. If your friends are pushing high mythic+ (+15-+20s) than they should be able to boost you through +10´s with ease, but hopefully they let you learn for yourself and boost you through m0. With the right comp you can easily get to that 370ish mark within 3 mythic dungeons. A decent group can do each dungeon in about 15 mins max. If your friends arent willing to help, like OP said, you have sht friends.

When I get bored:

  1. Create a leveling challenge of your own design

  2. Try some roleplaying on a RP server. It’s not weird like the Goldshire stuff if you go anywhere expect goldshire.

  3. Get some friends together and start doing a gearless dungeon run. Collect only the gear that drops from bosses or rares. Do all the dungeons until you reach BFA. Then try and do BFA dungeons with that terribly geared group.

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  1. Get Friends

  2. Join a Guild

  3. Get Friends

  1. ???
  2. Profit?

its 2019

lets be honest nobody wants to make friends in games anymore.

everybody wants nice click&join games like fortnite/apex without any emo kids declining you for whatever reason


Well then maybe they should play that instead.


You sound like you just want to antagonize or troll people. Not appreciated, do it somewhere else please.

I see so many people treating “finding friends/guilds/groups” to be the easiest thing in the world. Well, aren’t you lucky for that being the case for you. Alas, it is not for some others.

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You don’t get to tell me what to do. Theres nothing wrong with what I’ve said here, you just want people to thumbs up your entitlement.

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It’s rich that You of all people call someone entitled. You’re baiting out with your trolling. Also, there isn’t even something like “thumbs up” anymore, get with the times. Damn troll.