Can't download WoW retail

I had an issue with battlenet client and had to do a clean install after searching numerous forums etc. I ended up having to delete everything.
I have been able to install WoW Classic and Cataclysm but WoW retail just says nope. Initially it would not download cataclysm either then randomly decided that Cataclysm was ok, I could have that! :roll_eyes:
I have fibre connection and have done speed test so not that. I have played retail on this PC previously so not that. Running as admin and is allowed through firewall.
I opened a support ticket and advised them of all the steps I had taken, received a mail telling me to take all those steps…genius. I responded that it would be nice if a human actually read my ticket and then got a response telling me to go to the forums and apologising for the inconvenience! I think they will find that non-provision of service is a contract breach not just an inconvenience.
TLDR, hello unpaid Blizzard support! Does anyone have any ideas?

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