Can't enter ICC 25 man heroic?

It was set to heroic, but I didn’t see the skull at the entrance, so I set it to normal and then heroic again to make sure. But for some reason, it just won’t let me enter heroic. As soon as I enter, the welcome message suggests its normal. So I killed 2 bosses and decided to come back tommorow. And I was right - the lock was created on normal and not heroic for some reason. Any ideas why?

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Did you already kill bosses in a difficulty other than heroic 25?
If you already killed bosses on normal or heroic 10 man, you won’t be able to enter heroic 25 until the next reset.

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This is a recent(ish) change. You used to be able to complete most of the raid on 25 normal, then switch to heroic for the Lich King for a chance at the mount.
But you can’t any longer. This also means the old trick of inviting you alts into the group and each alt individually getting a shot at the Lich King for the mount is no longer possible either.

Bit of a shame. I have Invincible but I think this trick used to work in Ulduar as well (not 100% on that) and I was hoping to farm Mimiron’s head one day.

No. As I said, I freshly entered the raid yesterday and it just refused to switch to heroic.


Tried setting the difficulty before you go in?

Kind of related but I noticed just now after doing 10 man normal I can’t switch to heroic 10 man. Wasn’t it that you were able to re-do the raids in all difficulties (excluding 10/25 man option)? Is this a recent change?

I’m assuming you’ve done normal before and unlocked HC or that you even have to unlock it these days? They change these things so much it gets confusing…

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The lockout systems vary but some raids you can only do one version and not both. So places like ICC and Naxx you can only go on either Normal or Heroic.

Some raids have been changed by timewalking, like Ulduar.

Yup, tried setting it like 3 times, i always do it so the heroic skull appears

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I had this issue with Nighthold a few weeks back. Zoned in and out like 6 times and hadn’t ran NH for months prior.

I forget if it turned out just to be a visual issue or not.

In ICC you change setting inside the raid too. Normal to hc


I haven’t tried with ICC but I noticed that I couldn’t start other heroic raids. What worked for me is switching to 10 man normal outside and then switching back to 25 man heroic (still outside) which caused the skull to appear on the raid portal. I had unfortunately already completed it on normal whilst trying to figure out the issue so I don’t know if the change of difficulty will be the same after zoning in. It’s worth a try though.


try to increase graphics. it might make the skull appear.

The skull appears after i chane the setting to normal and then heroic again i just use it to make sure it is heroic. The problem is that it means nothing since the dung itself starts as normal and not heroic for no reason.


I have the same issue with ICC. I was sure to set it to 25 man heroic while outside, but as soon as I enter, the raid itself changes to 25 man normal.

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For me waiting for the next reset made the problem go away. Btw, blizz told me if may be a visual bug caused by an addon, try disabling everything possibly.


Did you do normal before?

Nope, I was always going heroic 25 man, this was the first time something bugged and hopefully the last one.

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I had ToC bug for me two weeks ago. I’d already done ToC and wanted to do Trial of the Grand Champion and it would not switch to heroic. I did as I said above, stood outside, changed my difficulty to 10 player normal, then switched it back to 25 man heroic whilst still outside and the skull appeared and it was indeed Trial of the Grand Champion when I zoned in.

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Have you tried hitting your desktop with a wrench whilst auto running into the portal?

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